Friday, February 21, 2014

Rabat within the World Heritage List

Deputy Director -General of UNESCO , Eric Falt , that the registration of Rabat within the World Heritage List of the United Nations Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization UNESCO  new recipe for valuing cultural and architectural gems and historical capital of the Kingdom

He added that the new status of the capital has been obtained thanks to  engage the great  King Mohammed VI , who has urged local officials and the Ministry of Culture to provide file nomination with high quality , pointing out that this distinction , which is attributable to the consensus of the World Heritage Committee , would encourage the authorities in Rabat to preserve this heritage for the benefit of its residents and future generations

Falt keen to highlight the character of  typical  to file nomination Rabat to get the status of the city in the list of World Heritage of Humanity. He said that UNESCO is convinced that Morocco takes seriously this new situation for the city

Mr Falt , who was invited recently to participate in the official launch of the celebrations parallel to insert ligament within the World Heritage List , it had the circumstances in order to inspect closely the work of the authorities coordinated at all levels , to preserve this heritage  and to give the locals pride in this new situation to their city

The record that UNESCO intends to keep up with the support of the city of Rabat through promotion efforts , in order to promote the preservation of their cultural heritage through activities Michor which , in this context, valuing the efforts of the authorities in this area of the capital . And invoked as a result of these efforts, the choice of the city of Rabat by the American Association " Earth Day Network " to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of Earth Day in 2010

He stressed that the inclusion of the city of Rabat within the world heritage of humanity is only the culmination of decades of efforts made ?? by the authorities that have adopted an approach rewarding , focusing on the theme of diversity and blending successful between modernity and originality , likely to be wooed Rabat to Vote international bodies , and UNESCO in particular, because of too logo file candidacy " Rabat , capital of modern and historical city and a common heritage ''

And it comes , in the eyes of Mr. Falt , the subject of an impressively highlights the city's heritage common by all, what made ?? the nomination file Rabat " Typically, a distinct and precise regulation and restructuring '', combines well between certificates of different eras witnessed by the city , and the values ?? promoted by this ages, as well as the overall effects of liquor and a history of the beliefs and traditions intersected on the crust and the depth of this city over the centuries

And Mr. Falt hope " UNESCO " great to translate this new status for the city to increase tourism flows without adversely affecting the quality of the sites that attract an abundance of visits, explaining that despite what may be caused by a large influx of tourists from problems in some communities , the Moroccan authorities are fully aware of this, and can take the necessary measures to protect the wealth of the capital

He said  I 'm not worried about it, because of Morocco , many sites included in the World Heritage List , nine in total , and thus the ligament will benefit inevitably , from the influx of tourists , in the context of national rich sites included in the World Heritage  , a dramatic attention to that "Morocco is an Arab country, the richest in terms of the sites included in the World Heritage , including highlights Moroccan authorities to respect their obligations under the Convention on heritage , which includes the rights concerning international solidarity ... and also the duties of conservation and protection

It is not too Mr. Falt to pay tribute to the efforts of Morocco in the field of protection of heritage sites all over the world , stressing that Morocco countries most active in the region in the field of protection and promotion of heritage , and that it is able to induce other Maghreb countries on the behavior of his approach
, in the context of strengthening regional cooperation in the cultural field

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