The city of Rabat hospitable Out Andalusians who fled after the expulsion from Spain and settled in waves between successive centuries XIII and XIV
Church downtown Rabat
Came the first of these waves in 1239 AD and it includes immigrants from Valencia and throughout the Andalusian other and within the last wave , arrived thousands of Moors
who were expelled by decision of King Philip III in 1609 and settled in the stubble Ouadhias and built the current city , but still retain and crafts as high
and still the nickname of some families today's witness to the Andalusian origin such as , laxative ( Umayyad family originally ) and and , Peru and and Prakash ( origin of nobles Spain) and Balavrig bin Amr ( Family Ansariyeh original) and others
Church downtown Rabat
Came the first of these waves in 1239 AD and it includes immigrants from Valencia and throughout the Andalusian other and within the last wave , arrived thousands of Moors
who were expelled by decision of King Philip III in 1609 and settled in the stubble Ouadhias and built the current city , but still retain and crafts as high
and still the nickname of some families today's witness to the Andalusian origin such as , laxative ( Umayyad family originally ) and and , Peru and and Prakash ( origin of nobles Spain) and Balavrig bin Amr ( Family Ansariyeh original) and others
In terms of the economy
Rabat is the second largest city in Morocco after Casablanca, and in recent years began to become a center for business, but this city has launched ambitious projects for waterless investors