Showing posts with label history. Show all posts
Showing posts with label history. Show all posts

Monday, February 24, 2014

Rabat city doors, fences and History

Cities such as women , each one of them , as they say , perfume and charm in memory. And Rabat, Morocco's capital management is characterized by its original flavor derived from the walls of the tourist and archaeological museums and gates famous and historic landmarks entrenched in the foot. Was founded by Jacob Mansour Almohad year 593 of immigration , corresponding to 1198 AD

If the city form the site crossing for convoys of tourist coming from abroad , they are recorded , however, the proportion of housing are ok, go up especially in the summer, on the occasion of the festival 's annual « balance » which has become an annual appointment , preferring to have a lot of lovers frequency vast gardens Faha , where plays calm , amid greenery , timeless. Administrative city streets devoid of pedestrians in the hours following the evening , to wake up in the morning, ready to catch the offices of government ministries and departments , where time flows such as continuous heavy turtle lazy relaxed and submissive to daydream

This does not mean that the city remains deserted of people , or free movement , but that the key attribute her throughout the daylight hours , is the boom , what that is flooded with morning sun in the first moments of the morning , even turn into a real cell ripple of vitality and enthusiasm , like a young in the twenty -year-old full of love , hope and dream

Is a historic city Vintage , this is true , but it is constantly replenished , and qualify to embrace the future through new projects are in the majority character of tourism and recreational and urban , such as the creation of the two banks of the Bouregreg and directed its coast on the Atlantic Ocean from its isolation , providing structures and tourist promotion of accommodation capacity to receive guests and visitors

Do not neglect never the same , even though some of the wrinkles that invade features returns by age and neglect human

Caring to rectify some of the errors and ensure the preservation of the cultural hereditary , has recently been restored historical sites start processing fences with lights and floodlights

Before that , it was some time ago tiling the floor of Mohamed V Avenue , marble , at a cost of considerable financial , raised a lot of controversy

The purpose behind this process to give a tinge of modernization and beauty on this main artery into which all the streets , which intersect all the steps , and converge when all the faces in the cafes and shops planted on the flanks consistently. And the scene in its entirety , it seems overly luster and harmony , starting from the mosque « Year » famous , and passing through the train station , where derogatory swarms of doves near Fountains flush with water  which gives the place greenery and palm trees , familiarity and , and thus allowing photographers street to take pictures of the anniversary , for some visitors and tourists crossing the garden in front of the Parliament , and in the Mohamed V Avenue Hotel stands « Balima » as an attraction and political at the same time , they touched by a series of historical events to contemporary Morocco

I've been Hotel « Balima » shelter for a long time and a place of pilgrimage for political and media figures from inside and outside the country , too, was disparaging the backpacker for being the center of the country and its proximity to the departments

But as long as it spawned rumors of political like fungus , fell to governments , and other governments stepped misplaced ! All this in sessions on coffee mugs , cups or mint tea , the cafe terrace , opposite the Parliament

Perhaps this is the strategic location of the hotel « Balima » is what won him fame sweeper in the popular imagination of Morocco , and making it enters the contemporary history of the door wide , as a space meets the political elite and the press , cultural , agree and disagree and think aloud in discussions about topical issues and affairs and anxieties

At one stage , there was a « Sultan Balima » promotes and come on, and wanders , ruler real , dressed in his uniform authentic traditional , and , while it is , in fact , just a simple citizen taken from this appearance inspiring take pride in the power , means and source of income and fraud

Many tales to tell about the dumps and the rhythm of many people , young and old , taking advantage of the naivety of some of them and their confidence in its external profile which gives the impression that , for those who do not know him well , prestige and influence. And later disappeared « Sultan Balima » disappeared as other features touched last change , the long months and the largest street in the city , under the pretext of development

In the center of the city spread popular cafes and restaurants , which provide their patrons everything from couscous to lentils , and fish to « » with cups of tea . Among the most famous spaces in this place , space « union » , near the bus station plaza « door Sunday » , which is currently the subject of other touches of innovation , through changing tracks

This space named « union » is not a place for gatherings and trade union struggles and labor , as may come to mind , but a cafe , a popular restaurant , but the oldest , its doors are open day and night  in the face of residents and visitors alike. Long chairs , eating a varied , diverse colors of Moroccan cooking , but « » or bean soup , which is a basic element of beans , is the headline for a list of diets high-demand here . The place looks upon the effects of bygone decades , but recently began to invade the marble walls did not touch dyeing time since the era of its history, no one remembers exactly . Here in this popular restaurant is very famous , intellectuals and artists Moroccans , in time , come to him individually and collectively , after midnight , their sessions and discourses loud , about the various intellectual currents of cash on the text and intertextuality , other terms that prevailed then perished ... ! Most painters , poets and critics have passed through here , ate and drank and , and went out in last night , and they and tearing the guise of night, star-studded , laughter and guffaws , and some of them record those memories in some of the writings , making reference to the stage of live convolutions memory

And yet some still hesitate to place , between the time periods are too far apart , driven by nostalgia , or the so-called « nostalgia » , to revive kinship with the cafe was one day , the meeting place preferred, to crown the evening , they eat « Kaware » or chicken meal hot Casserole in a variety of vegetables as pallets plastic real

Only cats do not depart from the cafe , remain parties to the pots of the night and the day, the spirit and come down tables , at the feet of customers . When drowsiness , to give up his power safe and secure , not only marred by the sound of spoons over dishes , and calls waiters welcoming all the guests

This popular restaurant has the right as he said it with a day of intellectuals , to raise the slogan « eating democracy » . All social groups find it what it wants , according to the budgets of their pockets , beggars , to the staff , painters, travelers and passers-by . And Rabat , as a meeting point ancient civilization and history , is also the city of hospitality with all their properties and forms , and unique restaurants trendy scattered through various neighborhoods , providing all the dishes Eastern and Western European , in addition to eating the Moroccan exemplary in pleasure, because it satisfies all tastes . There are restaurants on the beach lying on the Atlantic Ocean , mainly specialized in cooking fresh fish contained them just from the sea

If « All roads lead to Rome » the entry to the city of Rabat, the old fenced by walls , not only through the gates of historical famous five : « door Sunday » , « door to altitude » « door Challa » , « door  door navigator

Each door leads to piles of spaces intoxicates the distant past , and interact with the present and shifts its innovation

Among those places « peduncle » , which is a world strange and bizarre , flowing movement , people and crowds , where the piling up of goods coming from all zones, and all types , both of which the original or fake , on the shelves of shops narrow accommodate barely owners, amid the rubble of goods

A popular market and trendy , at the same time , selling everything and anything , side by side in the shops nearby , as are assigned to each other : fruit, meat , vegetables and spices , perfumes , traditional clothing and old fashion trendy in the fashion world , and plastic utensils , dishes , concave , and mobile phones , computers and digital devices , and the latest developments in modern technology , and in  many of them in particular

The fans can manufactures and textiles handmade ornaments to find the desired , all that dreaming of souvenirs , the ancient city is famous for its traditional handed down from father to son , fingers of gold in the crucible of magnificence and beauty

The carpet industry ligamentous , for example , hit fame Hobo and quality , has become even serve as an ambassador for the authenticity of the Moroccan abroad

Therefore foreign tourists keen on acquired , and take her with them , Asaha warms homes in cold colors light and simplicity of their fees and decoration and . The ligament is an Arab city par excellence , has opened her arms to embrace and receive members of immigrant families from Andalusia , after the fall of Granada , they found the bulwark , shelter and sanctuary , and merged with the population in the merger complete , and became part of them , and they had a clear impact in the architecture , engineering , heritage, literature, music, singing , still borne visible yet

 Tourist attractions

* Rabat historical landmarks and tourist shrines that the visit would not be complete without it , are many and varied , there is nothing wrong here , most notably stopping at

* Hassan Tower tourists coming to the city of Rabat , the airport city of Sale , across the bridge and the Bouregreg Valley , is bound to raise his attention , at first glance , the existence of a silo Hassan Mosque , which extends the length stands tall in the highest precedence of up to forty-four meters. Built the mosque of Sultan Yacoub El Mansour Almohad , before death in 1199 , and was prepares to become one of the largest mosques in the Muslim world  and still the columns upright in the arena and decorations engraved according to the format Andalusian witness to this trend , steadfast in the face of ordinary time and natural erosion
Mausoleum of Mohammed V

* Close to Hassan mosque , stands the mausoleum of Mohammed V bright white , and green tile

The pilgrimage to daily number of tourists who stand inspired by engineering the Arab-Islamic , in an atmosphere pervaded the incense emitted from the inside , with the voice of someone who knows recite verses from the Quran , in memory of the fallen asleep inside the shrine : They are the kings Mohammed V and Hassan II and Prince Moulay Abdellah


* From a distance , look like stubble Challa parked above a high hill overlooking the river Bouregreg , fortress inhabited myths , and in time was a popular destination for those looking for « treasures of gold » , believing they were buried in the soil

Challa was born as a city in the Roman era , and turned in the tenth century AD to the barracks for the pool to face the Mujahideen tribe , according to the history books , then became a cemetery for the kings Meridinide during the thirteenth century

Hands of shadowy stillness terribly in pathways , not only broken flap wings Nightingales that chose housing in the walls of their buildings , where facilities and domes send a self memories of the glory of the ancient builders grandparents , remained a down payment on the accuracy of perfection and beauty of architecture . Above the silo Mosque Challa found stork that this is favorite place to build a nest in the highest, away from the rioting children and bustle of the city

 Stubble Ouadhias

* Is the rod Ouadhias of the most beautiful archaeological sites in Rabat , Andalusian Fayhaa , and traditional drinking Moroccan tea , and narrow dyed in blue, and decorated with plants hanging from the balconies , and its unique location of its kind over a rocky overlooks the river and the sea together : Bouregreg Valley and the beach the Atlantic Ocean , and the city of Salé Hassan also inspired

Once each year, jazz lovers meet in the annual festival 

Because of the calm that dominated , resorted to artists , politicians, artists and musicians to live in them

The Ouadhias recently in the heart of a fierce debate , following the publication of what was said in the press about the exposure of some features of the distortion at the hands of officials quickly issued a real data to raise the charge for themselves

It is the door of the sea near the rod Ouadhias continue to create works currently on the front Rabat Corniche coastal stretches for a distance of 12 kilometers in the direction of Harhoura Beach , on an area of 330 hectares

On completion of this new project named « Ambassador » the contribution of capital reserve will be enhanced infrastructure equipment tourist birth of compounds hotel with a high position and the role of cinema and units of recreational and business areas that advance the prestige tourist and cultural capital of the political , which also provides for the sports enthusiasts and vast areas as well as to practice their hobbies , both in the pool , or a game of golf , or equestrian or , or surfing, or water-skiing , all under the warm rays of the sun , in a temperate climate most of the seasons of the year

Friday, February 21, 2014

The city's history !!

The history of the city of Rabat, the capital of the Kingdom of Morocco to the different historical periods . However, the initial foundation of the city dates back to the era of marabouts who created a bond immune , so obsessed with security that was the strongest factors that were behind this choice to be a gathering point for the struggling reportedly attacks
Door limit in 1919

I knew the city during the Unified radiant historically and culturally , which was converted Rabat ( fort ) at the time of Abdul Momin to the consolidated rod fortified to protect his armies , which was launched in the jihad campaigns towards Andalusia. During the reign of his grandson Jacob Mansour , he wanted to make it the capital of a ligament Open state . Ordered Bthchinha solid walls , and built by several buildings, the most famous mosque Hassan silo majestic . In the fourteenth century began Rabat know because of successive attempts to Mrinyin to grab it , and they constructed a royal tomb located Challa best proof of that

Built Sultan Yacoub El Mansour Sora knew Consolidated Consolidated fence , reached a length of 2263 m . Which runs from west to the southern city of Rabat , with a width of 2.5 m and its height of 10 meters , and this wall is supported by four and seventy towers , as punctuated by a huge 5 doors door to altitude , reducing the door , the door and the door Alruah Zair

Site remained Chellah in Rabat deserted since the fifth century until the tenth century , where turning the site to gather the ligament Mujahideen to confront Barghoath tribe . But this historic juncture remains vague to be taken Almareni Sultan Abu Yusuf Ya'qub in 1284 the site of the cemetery for the burial of kings and the sons of Marian Oaaanam , and where built the first nucleus of the compound included a mosque and houses the Dome of the ablutions and buried by his wife or splendor

Challa received in the reign of Sultan Abu al-Hasan with great interest . He built his son Sultan Abu Annan school north of the mosque and the bathroom and Alenzalh , applique decorated the tombs of his ancestors Bakbb considered a living example of the architectural art of the outstanding state of Bani Marin . Fell Challa immediately after the decision Meridinide reopen the tomb of the few Fez , Vohmmelt their buildings , and even suffered at the beginning of the fifteenth century AD to the looting and destruction of reserves Bakdsatha ancient and living thanks to the memories of ancient history on the sidelines of the city of Ribat al-Fath , and gradually become a cemetery and a place of pilgrimage for the inhabitants of the region , and marked a historic distinct attract sight

In the fourteenth century ( and specifically the year 1339 ) surrounded by a fence pentagon Site Powered twenty three square towers and gates , the largest and most beautiful decoration and the main door of the building site opposite the wall of the Almohad ligament Open . The site has been the construction of four groups of independent and integrated architecture embodies the grandeur of the whole cemetery Chellah and status of the Covenant Marini . In the western corner of the site rises Alenzalh residue , which was home to the pilgrims and visitors. At the bottom stands the remains of the cemetery Marinid known Balakhlup , which includes a mosque and a series of domes , most notably the dome of the Sultan Abu al-Hasan and his wife Sun morn , and the school that remains lighthouse covered with ornately geometric intertwined and integrated masterly of manufacture , model inherent to the architecture of Morocco in the fourteenth century . In the south-east of the site there is the bathroom outstanding half circular , which embraces four halls parallel : the first and second dressing cool and warm the third , fourth hotter . The Nun Basin , located in the south-west of the retreat , and it was originally a hall ablutions to the mosque of Abu Yusuf , has been woven around the popular memory myths and legends made  him a shrine to a broad category of static Rabat and its environs

In the era of Tombs in 1609 allowed for recent cohorts of Muslims coming from Andalusia stay in the city , and has built a fence Morskjon   Almaurickjon or Almurescus Castilian are the Muslims who remained in Spain under Christian rule after the fall of the Islamic Kingdom and given a choice between conversion to Christianity . or leave Spain by Ferdinand and Isabella in the February 14, 1502 . In the period between 1609 and 1614 , the Spanish government was forced to leave the Kingdom Morskjon North Africa in an orderly manner . The large numbers in the bottom of Aragon ( Teruel province currently ) In southern kingdom of Granada in Palencia , while their numbers were lower in the rest of the Kingdom of Castile , according to information that reached us from tax records . Has been displaced toward the countries of the Maghreb and the Levant and toward Turkey after the fall of Andalusia and currently exist in Algeria , Tunisia and Morocco

In 1609 , there were nearly 325,000 of Morskjon in Spain out of a total population of 8.5 million by 3.5 %. And concentrated in the Crown of Aragon , where they formed 20 % of the population , and in the Kingdom of Palencia where the percentage Morskjon to 33 % of its population . In addition , the population growth of the Morckjon somewhat higher compared with the growth of the population of Christians ; in Valencia , Morckjon estimated growth rate of 69.7 % compared with 44.7 % for Christians  Most of the residents of the city and the rich of whom were Christians , while the proliferation of Muslims in rural areas and poor suburbs of cities