Thursday, February 27, 2014

University Mohammed V Souissi in Rabat

Mohammed V University, the oldest university in modern Morocco , in Rabat WAS founded in 1957 and two years later Inaugurated by the late King Mohammed V. It Also has the distinction of Being the mother of Moroccan universities . Over the years Mohammed V University , established branches in other cities : such as Casablanca, Fes, Kenitra, Tangiers , Tetouan and All which Eventually Became independent universities in 1975. A turning point in the history of Mohammed V University in 1993 WAS When It Was split into two independent universities, Mohammed V -Agdal University ( UM5A ) and Mohammed V- Souissi University ( UM5S ) .
UM5A is a public university That Provides high quality education to over 20,000 students Annually . Its alumni include leading government officials , ambassadors , academics , engineers , lawyers and executives . UM5A takes special pride in being the alma mater of His Majesty King Mohammed VI and other members of the Royal Family .
To align Itself with the European higher education system ADOPTED falling on the Bologna Process , the University 's administrative and teaching faculty Worked together , from 2003 to 2012 , to Implement the three cycles of qualifications system Otherwise known as the " LMD System" ( License, Master and PhD or Bachelor's , Master 's and doctorate ) . This reform was in. line with the University 's vision and values:

Offering icts students and partners a myriad of high quality study programs , Many of Which lead to emploi upon graduation ;Maintaining high standards of teaching and research by one with the best universities in the world ;
helping students reach full potential Their ;
Strengthening international exchanges by Developing ties and partnerships with foreign institutions;
Responding to the socio -economic Needs of the government and the community

Principles, Goals , and Missions

In Morocco , responsibility for higher education lies with the Government . It is supported in icts of planning, organization , development and regulation ACCORDING to the country 's Economic , social and cultural needs. Needs These are set by the Government with the help of the scientific community , the business and working worlds as well as local and regional bodies . Higher education institutions are All which Either public or private all share the same principles and goals.


Respect of Islamic precepts and values ??;
Equal opportunity and access to all Citizens meeting the prerequisites ;Adherence to human rights , tolerance , freedom of thought , creativity and innovation principles ; Compliance with academic rules and values: objectivity , scientific rigor and intellectual honesty ;Use of the Arabic language in an Increasing number of fields , research on the Amazigh language and culture and the development of tools for use icts WIDER , and mastery of foreign languages ??.


Promote capacity building , expertise and proficiency skills ;
Disseminate information and knowledge ;
Be part of the nation 's scientific , technological , professional,   Economic and Cultural growth ;
Develop science and technology through research and innovation;
Promote Morocco 's cultural heritage .

UM5A 'S MISSIONS in light of the above principles and goals

    Strengthen the national and Islamic identity ;
    Provide undergraduate, graduate and continuing education ;
    Develop and Disseminate knowledge and culture ;
    Prepare graduates for emploi by Focusing on experience ;
    Conduct research and technology transfer ;
    Provide technical support and expertise ;
    Contribute to the country 's overall growth ;
    Develop and spread universal values ??.
     Governance : University Council

The University Council is the University’s highest decision-making body.  It has the necessary legal authority and attributions to enact rules and regulations pertaining to administrative, academic and financial affairs.

The Council is headed by the University President. He prepares and executes its recommendations, receives proposals and sets the agenda for the Council’s meetings. A quorum of one third of Council members may petition the president to hold a special meeting if deemed in the interest of the University.

The Council has the legal right to deliberate in the presence of at least half of its members. If this legal quorum is not met, the meeting is adjourned and can be legally held after eight days even in absence of a quorum.

Decisions are made by majority vote. In case of a tie, the president’s vote is decisive.

Functions and Duties:

Take all necessary measures to improve University governance;
Propose academic reforms and avail means to improve the quality of education;
Establish the Council and the University internal regulations;
Approve accreditation proposals submitted by the University institutions;
Approve curricula;
Discuss and approve the University budget;
Set guidelines for student orientation and improve student access to information;
Promote cultural and sporting activities;
Recommend measures to improve student employability at graduation;
Approve MoUs with private institutions of higher education;
Approve new diplomas proposed by the University institution councils and set the criteria for awarding them;
Propose the creation of new institutions;
Approve the establishment of centers proposed by the University institution councils;
Accept donations;
 Manage the University’s academic affairs.

The Council delegates its administrative and financial attributions to the Management Board, which is composed of an equal number of appointed and elected members.

The Council has permanent and ad-hoc committees whose membership is open to all council members. It may delegate any of its power, functions or duties to one of these committees or to the President.


The University Council is composed of ex officio members, appointed members and elected members:

Ex Officio Members:

The University President

The Mayor of the Rabat Municipal Council
The President of the Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer Region Council
The Director of the Education and Training Academy of Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer Region
The President of the Ulema Council of the Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer Region
Deans and Directors of the University institutions

Appointed Members:

Seven members: Six from economic and social spheres of whom presidents of professional chambers and one from a private institution of higher education.

Elected Members:

Three members per institution representing each teaching faculty rank elected by and from their peers

Three members elected by and from the University administrative staff
Three members elected by and from the University students

UM5A Council Members

I- Ex Officio Members:

Wail Benjelloun: President, Mohammed V University-Agdal (President of the University Council) Abdelkabir Berkia: President, Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer Region Abdallah Guedira: President, Scientific Council of Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer Region Fathallah Oualalou: Mayor, Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer Region Tijania Fertat : Director, Education and Training Academy of Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer Region Saaid Amzazi: Dean, Faculty of Science Abderrahim Benhadda: Dean, Faculty of Letters and 

Human Sciences

Lahcen Oulhaj : Dean, Faculty of Law,
 Economics and Social Sciences 
Driss Bouami: Director,  Mohammadia School of Engineering Mohammed Rhachi: Director,  School of General Technology Ahmed El Hassani: Director,  Scientific Institute Fatiha Benlabah: Director, Institute of Hispanic and Lusophone Studies. Hassane Jaziri: Director, Teacher Training School

II- Appointed Members:

Omar Derraji: President, Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services -Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer Region Taher El Filali: President, Chamber  for Agriculture-Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer Region Mohamed Belahcen: President, Chamber  for Traditional Industry- Rabat-Temara Region and  Morocco Federation Chambers Anass Alami: General Director, Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion CDG (Deposit and Management Bank) Rabii Lakhlii: General Director, National Railway Office Saâd Kabbaj: Director, International Institute for Higher Education in Morocco Mohammed Elyoussi: Representative,  Higher Education Trade Union

III- Elected Members:
Abdelkbir Bellaouchou: Professor,  Faculty of Science Hocein Bazairi : Associate Professor,  Faculty of ScienceBouazza El Benani: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science
 Abdeslam Dachmi: Professor, Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences Mohammed Saidi: Assistant Professor,  Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences
 El Habib Eddaqqaq: Professor, Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences
 Taoufiq Yahyaoui: Associate Professor,  Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences Abdelkrim Kandrouch: Assistant Professor,  Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences Anas Emran: Professor,  Scientific Institute Mohammed Achab: Associate Professor , Scientific Institute Faical Ramdani: Assistant Professor, Scientific Institute Mohamed Cherkaoui: Professor, Mohammadia School of Engineering Laila Benhlima: Associate Professor, Mohammadia School of Engineering Fatima Zahra Belouadha: Assistant Professor, Mohammadia School of Engineering
    Hilal Drissi Lahsini: Professor, School of  General Technology
    Jalal Kettar: Assistant Professor, School of General Technology
    Rachid Sadaka: Professor, Teacher Training School
    Khadija Nerci: Associate Professor ,Teacher Training School
    Ahmed Belhaj: Assistant Professor, Teacher Training School
    Mohamed Dahou:  Doctorate Student, Faculty of Science
    Zakaria Elmarzouki: Master’s Student, Faculty of Science
    Anass Ezzaoui: Bachelor’s Student, Faculty of Science
    Abdelilah Moutez: Bursar, Teacher Training School
    Hassan Karoud:…    Ouafae Benosmane
Facts and Figures

Statistics of the Academic year 2013-2014

Academic :

Supervision     Administrative and technician staff     874
Teaching staff     1169
Student enrollement     Bachlor     First year     10475
Total     24073
(University Tehnology Diploma)
 First year     535
Total     979
Engineering     First year     469
Total     1443
Total student enrollment (Master&Doctorat non included     26495

International Cooperation :

1. Multilateral cooperation

Title of multilateral program
Number of projects
Intended or observed impact
TEMPUS     13 (completed or in progress )
26 (submitted)     - Modernization of education and improving its quality;
- Development of human resources.
PCRD (Framework Program for Research & Development )     35 (completed)
08 (selected PCRD7)     - Promotion and development of scientific research
VOLUBILIS (Moroccan- French Integrated actions)     15 selected - Development of mobility in research issue
PMARS (Moroccan-German Program for Scientific Research)     05 selected     - Development of scientific research
ERASMUS-MUNDUS (IMAGEEN et AVERROES I, II, III and IV)  05 selected     - Development of mobility in education and research

2. Bilateral cooperation

Number of agreements
Arab and Islamic countries     28     Iraq, Syria, UAE, Egypt, Yemen, Mauritania, Jordan, Iran, Libya, Algeria, Sudan, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia
Europe     68     Germany, Belgium, Spain, Finland, France, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, United Kingdom, Russia, Switzerland, Ukrainia
Africa     07     Congo, Guinea, Senegal
Asia     33     Turkey, South Korea, Japan, Malaysia, China, Indonesia
Americas     14     Brazil, USA, Canada, Argentina, Chile

3. The MVU-A is a member in the following associations and organizations:

- The Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) ;
- The International Association of Universities (IAU);
- The Association of African Universities (AAU);
- The Association of Arab Universities (AAU);
- The Consortium of Universities Euro-Mediterranean (Tethys);
- The International Forum of Public Universities (IFPU);
- The Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUMI);
-The Union of Mediterranean Universities (Unimed);
- The Arab Organization for Industrial and Mineral Development;
- The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO);
- The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

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