Showing posts with label Cinema. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cinema. Show all posts

Monday, March 3, 2014

Cinema Halls just ruins in Rabat

In time past, there was a small number of cinemas in Sale, adjacent to the ligament , which is an extension of the Moroccan capital . In spite of the lack of theaters , they knew very popular , especially those that were exposed Indian films and movies karate , it's totally different now . They have become cinema halls without pioneers , most of which is now deserted , forcing the owners to shut it down , and some have turned into mere ruins , after they had been in demand is unrivaled , but not delivered until some of the role of modern cinema also like that exist in the complex « Aldaoleezz » from the curse bankruptcy .

According to statistics « Moroccan Cinematographic Centre » ( a government body tasked with supporting the film ) decreases terrible in the number of cinema halls , where the decline in the number of 250 Hall in 1980 in the Moroccan cities , to 72 Hall now , and this number is expected to drop down, but the halls to ensure that the terms of Gap cinematic comfortable and enjoyable not to exceed 30 Hall , as the number of patrons . The same statistics indicate that 13 million spectators Cinema card purchased in 2000 , while the figure dropped now to a million and a half million card only . But the irony , that with the decline in the number of rooms , the number of Moroccan films is growing , reaching to 14 long films , 50 short films annually . It is feared some of the filmmakers of not finding room cinematic future to show their films , and this is what happened at the International Film Festival of Women in Sale , where did not find
find the supervisors of the festival hall cinematic valid to embrace its activities , and replaced last year creates a cinema complex in the neighborhood of « decent » popular , and specifications reasonable .
Due Rashid Al Alawi, a young man of Sale, the reasons for the closure of cinemas to « large number of satellite channels , private channels specializing in cinema , offering the latest movies , and therefore allows spectators chances extensive selection , then there is a working movie piracy , and sold CDs in the same time they are shown in the cinema , and has a major impact on the demand for cinema » .

Rashid believes that the acquisition of the film for less than the price of a movie ticket , and watch a movie more than a short period , better than the Hall mobility cinematic classic , available on the 800 -seat , not only suffered one film over the weeks » . He adds « Do not forget another factor at least influence , the changing pattern of life , as the person if he wanted to go to the cinema , it needs to determine the right time , and it is often at the end of the week , as the need for means of transport , so many prefer the acquisition of another pirated movies , and watch them at home with friends and family in a relaxed atmosphere , and at the lowest of prices » .

The view of the top that the aversion of cinema halls dark due to the non-proliferation of adequate publicity for the product Film Moroccan and foreign , both in the written press or media audio and video , so there is no definition movies popular in the halls of Moroccan cinema , or conduct interviews or meetings with the directors , for the dissemination of culture film among the youth » and goes on to say : « We are overfed in raising artistic taste and aesthetic with our children , because of the failure to regulate visits to museums and art galleries , to this we see today Andthara years in the number of movie lovers , such as programming films for children on holidays » .

For his part , said Mohammed Lahlou , a contractor working in the field of real estate , that the closure of cinemas to see a number of factors , most important of which , in his view , in addition to the sorry state of facilities , lack of security in some cinemas , especially at night . And stands for sweet when another reason has a significant impact on the decline in the number of cinema halls , a meteoric rise to real estate prices , so « snatch speculators , builders a chance of financial distress , incurred by the organizers of some cinemas , forcing them to get rid of the losses of material are selling, especially as they are found in sites important in cities with high population density , and this is what raises it in the real estate market , and commends its place in residential buildings or offices , have greater financial returns » .

And linked to other views of this retreat situation dire for the halls of cinema , and turn it into something like « dens » for perverts , could claim an aversion audience halls , for several reasons , including a lack of harmony films produced or imported with the changes witnessed by the Moroccan society , and continued to deal with the phenomenon of piracy with some leniency , with the non-application of the law in cases of violation of intellectual property rights of cinematographic works continuously, as well as what he called the absence of some « serious strategy for the advancement of Moroccan cinema » , especially with regard to the qualitative aspect of film production , and lack of care film theaters 

In recent years happened kind of reconciliation with cinemas , where the recovered complexes film like « Aldaoleezz » in Sale , and « Megarama » in Casablanca , and has become the alternative to the theaters classic room only , and a single movie , because the composite film displays in the halls of a small a variety of films , responds to all artistic tastes , as well aas the facilities available to provide services for eating , entertainment and recreation , and it becomes fun going to the cinema , where the dimensions of the fall and enjoy the beautiful  .