Thursday, February 27, 2014

University Mohammed V Souissi in Rabat

Mohammed V University, the oldest university in modern Morocco , in Rabat WAS founded in 1957 and two years later Inaugurated by the late King Mohammed V. It Also has the distinction of Being the mother of Moroccan universities . Over the years Mohammed V University , established branches in other cities : such as Casablanca, Fes, Kenitra, Tangiers , Tetouan and All which Eventually Became independent universities in 1975. A turning point in the history of Mohammed V University in 1993 WAS When It Was split into two independent universities, Mohammed V -Agdal University ( UM5A ) and Mohammed V- Souissi University ( UM5S ) .
UM5A is a public university That Provides high quality education to over 20,000 students Annually . Its alumni include leading government officials , ambassadors , academics , engineers , lawyers and executives . UM5A takes special pride in being the alma mater of His Majesty King Mohammed VI and other members of the Royal Family .
To align Itself with the European higher education system ADOPTED falling on the Bologna Process , the University 's administrative and teaching faculty Worked together , from 2003 to 2012 , to Implement the three cycles of qualifications system Otherwise known as the " LMD System" ( License, Master and PhD or Bachelor's , Master 's and doctorate ) . This reform was in. line with the University 's vision and values:

Offering icts students and partners a myriad of high quality study programs , Many of Which lead to emploi upon graduation ;Maintaining high standards of teaching and research by one with the best universities in the world ;
helping students reach full potential Their ;
Strengthening international exchanges by Developing ties and partnerships with foreign institutions;
Responding to the socio -economic Needs of the government and the community

Principles, Goals , and Missions

In Morocco , responsibility for higher education lies with the Government . It is supported in icts of planning, organization , development and regulation ACCORDING to the country 's Economic , social and cultural needs. Needs These are set by the Government with the help of the scientific community , the business and working worlds as well as local and regional bodies . Higher education institutions are All which Either public or private all share the same principles and goals.


Respect of Islamic precepts and values ??;
Equal opportunity and access to all Citizens meeting the prerequisites ;Adherence to human rights , tolerance , freedom of thought , creativity and innovation principles ; Compliance with academic rules and values: objectivity , scientific rigor and intellectual honesty ;Use of the Arabic language in an Increasing number of fields , research on the Amazigh language and culture and the development of tools for use icts WIDER , and mastery of foreign languages ??.


Promote capacity building , expertise and proficiency skills ;
Disseminate information and knowledge ;
Be part of the nation 's scientific , technological , professional,   Economic and Cultural growth ;
Develop science and technology through research and innovation;
Promote Morocco 's cultural heritage .

UM5A 'S MISSIONS in light of the above principles and goals

    Strengthen the national and Islamic identity ;
    Provide undergraduate, graduate and continuing education ;
    Develop and Disseminate knowledge and culture ;
    Prepare graduates for emploi by Focusing on experience ;
    Conduct research and technology transfer ;
    Provide technical support and expertise ;
    Contribute to the country 's overall growth ;
    Develop and spread universal values ??.
     Governance : University Council

The University Council is the University’s highest decision-making body.  It has the necessary legal authority and attributions to enact rules and regulations pertaining to administrative, academic and financial affairs.

The Council is headed by the University President. He prepares and executes its recommendations, receives proposals and sets the agenda for the Council’s meetings. A quorum of one third of Council members may petition the president to hold a special meeting if deemed in the interest of the University.

The Council has the legal right to deliberate in the presence of at least half of its members. If this legal quorum is not met, the meeting is adjourned and can be legally held after eight days even in absence of a quorum.

Decisions are made by majority vote. In case of a tie, the president’s vote is decisive.

Functions and Duties:

Take all necessary measures to improve University governance;
Propose academic reforms and avail means to improve the quality of education;
Establish the Council and the University internal regulations;
Approve accreditation proposals submitted by the University institutions;
Approve curricula;
Discuss and approve the University budget;
Set guidelines for student orientation and improve student access to information;
Promote cultural and sporting activities;
Recommend measures to improve student employability at graduation;
Approve MoUs with private institutions of higher education;
Approve new diplomas proposed by the University institution councils and set the criteria for awarding them;
Propose the creation of new institutions;
Approve the establishment of centers proposed by the University institution councils;
Accept donations;
 Manage the University’s academic affairs.

The Council delegates its administrative and financial attributions to the Management Board, which is composed of an equal number of appointed and elected members.

The Council has permanent and ad-hoc committees whose membership is open to all council members. It may delegate any of its power, functions or duties to one of these committees or to the President.


The University Council is composed of ex officio members, appointed members and elected members:

Ex Officio Members:

The University President

The Mayor of the Rabat Municipal Council
The President of the Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer Region Council
The Director of the Education and Training Academy of Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer Region
The President of the Ulema Council of the Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer Region
Deans and Directors of the University institutions

Appointed Members:

Seven members: Six from economic and social spheres of whom presidents of professional chambers and one from a private institution of higher education.

Elected Members:

Three members per institution representing each teaching faculty rank elected by and from their peers

Three members elected by and from the University administrative staff
Three members elected by and from the University students

UM5A Council Members

I- Ex Officio Members:

Wail Benjelloun: President, Mohammed V University-Agdal (President of the University Council) Abdelkabir Berkia: President, Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer Region Abdallah Guedira: President, Scientific Council of Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer Region Fathallah Oualalou: Mayor, Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer Region Tijania Fertat : Director, Education and Training Academy of Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer Region Saaid Amzazi: Dean, Faculty of Science Abderrahim Benhadda: Dean, Faculty of Letters and 

Human Sciences

Lahcen Oulhaj : Dean, Faculty of Law,
 Economics and Social Sciences 
Driss Bouami: Director,  Mohammadia School of Engineering Mohammed Rhachi: Director,  School of General Technology Ahmed El Hassani: Director,  Scientific Institute Fatiha Benlabah: Director, Institute of Hispanic and Lusophone Studies. Hassane Jaziri: Director, Teacher Training School

II- Appointed Members:

Omar Derraji: President, Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services -Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer Region Taher El Filali: President, Chamber  for Agriculture-Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer Region Mohamed Belahcen: President, Chamber  for Traditional Industry- Rabat-Temara Region and  Morocco Federation Chambers Anass Alami: General Director, Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion CDG (Deposit and Management Bank) Rabii Lakhlii: General Director, National Railway Office Saâd Kabbaj: Director, International Institute for Higher Education in Morocco Mohammed Elyoussi: Representative,  Higher Education Trade Union

III- Elected Members:
Abdelkbir Bellaouchou: Professor,  Faculty of Science Hocein Bazairi : Associate Professor,  Faculty of ScienceBouazza El Benani: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science
 Abdeslam Dachmi: Professor, Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences Mohammed Saidi: Assistant Professor,  Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences
 El Habib Eddaqqaq: Professor, Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences
 Taoufiq Yahyaoui: Associate Professor,  Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences Abdelkrim Kandrouch: Assistant Professor,  Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences Anas Emran: Professor,  Scientific Institute Mohammed Achab: Associate Professor , Scientific Institute Faical Ramdani: Assistant Professor, Scientific Institute Mohamed Cherkaoui: Professor, Mohammadia School of Engineering Laila Benhlima: Associate Professor, Mohammadia School of Engineering Fatima Zahra Belouadha: Assistant Professor, Mohammadia School of Engineering
    Hilal Drissi Lahsini: Professor, School of  General Technology
    Jalal Kettar: Assistant Professor, School of General Technology
    Rachid Sadaka: Professor, Teacher Training School
    Khadija Nerci: Associate Professor ,Teacher Training School
    Ahmed Belhaj: Assistant Professor, Teacher Training School
    Mohamed Dahou:  Doctorate Student, Faculty of Science
    Zakaria Elmarzouki: Master’s Student, Faculty of Science
    Anass Ezzaoui: Bachelor’s Student, Faculty of Science
    Abdelilah Moutez: Bursar, Teacher Training School
    Hassan Karoud:…    Ouafae Benosmane
Facts and Figures

Statistics of the Academic year 2013-2014

Academic :

Supervision     Administrative and technician staff     874
Teaching staff     1169
Student enrollement     Bachlor     First year     10475
Total     24073
(University Tehnology Diploma)
 First year     535
Total     979
Engineering     First year     469
Total     1443
Total student enrollment (Master&Doctorat non included     26495

International Cooperation :

1. Multilateral cooperation

Title of multilateral program
Number of projects
Intended or observed impact
TEMPUS     13 (completed or in progress )
26 (submitted)     - Modernization of education and improving its quality;
- Development of human resources.
PCRD (Framework Program for Research & Development )     35 (completed)
08 (selected PCRD7)     - Promotion and development of scientific research
VOLUBILIS (Moroccan- French Integrated actions)     15 selected - Development of mobility in research issue
PMARS (Moroccan-German Program for Scientific Research)     05 selected     - Development of scientific research
ERASMUS-MUNDUS (IMAGEEN et AVERROES I, II, III and IV)  05 selected     - Development of mobility in education and research

2. Bilateral cooperation

Number of agreements
Arab and Islamic countries     28     Iraq, Syria, UAE, Egypt, Yemen, Mauritania, Jordan, Iran, Libya, Algeria, Sudan, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia
Europe     68     Germany, Belgium, Spain, Finland, France, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, United Kingdom, Russia, Switzerland, Ukrainia
Africa     07     Congo, Guinea, Senegal
Asia     33     Turkey, South Korea, Japan, Malaysia, China, Indonesia
Americas     14     Brazil, USA, Canada, Argentina, Chile

3. The MVU-A is a member in the following associations and organizations:

- The Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) ;
- The International Association of Universities (IAU);
- The Association of African Universities (AAU);
- The Association of Arab Universities (AAU);
- The Consortium of Universities Euro-Mediterranean (Tethys);
- The International Forum of Public Universities (IFPU);
- The Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUMI);
-The Union of Mediterranean Universities (Unimed);
- The Arab Organization for Industrial and Mineral Development;
- The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO);
- The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Stadium Prince Moulay Abdellah

The name of the stadium Complexe Sportif Moulay Abdallah
City Rabat - Morocco
Coordinates "36'57 ° 33 north " 15'53 ° 6 west
Opening Year 1983 last renovated in 2000
Grassy pitch
General Seats : 60000
Seats for the media : 5000
Seats VIP : 1500
Sites for two seats : 150
The proportion of seats shaded : 40
The difference
Team: FAR essential Stadium
Team: FUS Stadium fundamental
About the stadium 's first match played at this stadium was between Morocco and the team Paris Saint- Germain in 1983 , ended with the superiority of Morocco 2-0 team scored two goals former international player , "Mustafa Haddaoui ," and I knew the game prohibitions of the late King of Morocco , " Hassan II " and some members of the royal family as well as former French President " Jacques Chirac, " who was then mayor of Paris , capital of France
Has been repaired and restored to be identical for all FIFA standards within the framework of Morocco's bid to host the 2006 World Cup , and is today fully ready . Can accommodate 47,000 spectators, and it contains an Olympic swimming pool , sports halls  conference center and a center for journalism

    Can communicate pursuant to the sports complex in full view of the ease with Mahadath highway is far from the city center less than 10 km and 20 km to the airport and the station Rabat Agdal 4 km
    Available on 24 Papa separate from each public, the media, referees , players
    Parking for spectators can accommodate up to 10 thousand cars there are on both sides of the stadium Eastern and Western

    With a capacity of 60 thousand seats total personal numbered ones : A 15- seat covered 0.45 A personal seat numbered , non -covered terraces · · · and 150 seats for the disabled
    Pitch is available on the treatment center is available at the Hall of Nursing , and a shop for doping control and offices for physicians
    Panel to disseminate information on how electronic huge screen

Monday, February 24, 2014

The Zoo in Rabat

Often blamed for Moroccans and accusing them of not demand for the product Moroccan , and often placed the Moroccan state domestic tourism outside its goals .. but visit the zoo in Rabat during the weekend phase first semester made ??me re- consider such prejudices , despite the fact that the visit was on Monday which is the business day on the beginning of the week , the visitors to the park were thousands of different regions of Morocco , including individuals, families and study trips with a complete absence of foreigners to the extent that Windows admission tickets knew busiest reminds us that we are witnessing the windows football games , but the point that restaurants inside the park - despite - failed to meet the demand of most of the visitors , as do the had of supplies directly after mid-day . Which confirms that the bet , which should count by the state is a bet of domestic tourism , which are not affected by the mood of global volatility and dependence of others , which is enough to explode a bomb in the East to play for a visit to west and leaves its hotels deserted .. and Moroccans though their income is weak , they are able to make tourism Interior locomotive development within the framework of national solidarity if they find spaces that receive them and maintain their dignity

What the approaching visitor from space park even feel the privacy of the place : the completion of the creativity and effort with great design and the creative thinking and strategic vision : in front of the garden stands a huge statue of a lion Atlas can not be any visitor a garden without a look at this lion standing in the glory and meditation in that animal taken by Moroccan symbol to them and stand out of respect for the genius of enamel that making him the first Makhachkala meant visitors young and old to take
pictures of the anniversary ... and stays lion Atlas regaining the same attention even within the park is the king of the zoo , which is admired most visitors unchallenged . Once the moment you step into space park even pick up your ears inquiry and questioned the number of visitors on the whereabouts of al-Assad , and that the approaching space -Assad until you find great turnout to capture images in an atmosphere carpeted phrases irony and cynicism of those who have distorted the reputation of this symbol in the African bush

The park include new spaces were not in the old garden such as restaurants, cafes and pathways for people with special needs and rest areas , parking lots, and the exploitation of good wood , both in the corridors and barriers, banners and signs signaling and rest areas for visitors

In order to create a space similar to the space natural live animals has been building caves and tunnels of engineered fantastic make visitor sees the animals away from the cages and contrary to the way that was presented in the old park with the provision of card technology for each animal determine the name and whereabouts and the average age and weight .. However, the new park is still bare of trees making Visitors from the scorching sun in February. The question is where visitors and sheltering animals in the summer when the temperature reaches a maximum and be on the visitor spend a long time to explore the features of the garden? Knowing that small shrubs planted and drip irrigation system  will require years to become the shady lanes In the meantime , what visitors carrying only sunshine

In spite of the fact that the park extends over an area of ??five hectares and offers more than one hundred thousand animal species of animals spread over five spaces are

Space Atlas Mountains

 Space -Saharan

 Space tropical jungle  savannah 

  Space and wetlands

Space and swamps

 In addition village visitors and space ranch instruction .. the visitor wondering where he went that the sheer amount of animals that were in the old park , which they include several types of monkeys , leopards, parrots and kangaroos and snakes . Bull American and white hippo .. and other animals that have no effect on the new park , in addition to exclusive offer an animal a single or two of each type , and often the visitor finds it difficult to see the animal supply if and hiding many of the visitors that day did not see the leopard, cobra and crocodile and other animals that were hidden from sight , which disappoint horizon eyes of a visitor who was looking forward to seeing as much as possible of the types of animals ... so it seems questions such as what the fate of the old zoo animals   And why was the exclusion of animals elsewhere as America , Canada, Europe, Australia and other places where animals abound in favor of the visiting Moroccan vision ?  Questions the legitimacy of the exception of llamas recorded a total lack of animals these continents and regions

On the whole rest zoo in Rabat new outlets added to the structure of the Moroccan tourist and able to bring thousands of visitors from inside and outside Morocco and thus contribute positively to the national economy and the development of taste and culture, and a sense of the environment among emerging private and they are near the sports complex for the city of Rabat and within the green belt of the city , making it contributes in furnishing space ecosystem capital

Rabat city doors, fences and History

Cities such as women , each one of them , as they say , perfume and charm in memory. And Rabat, Morocco's capital management is characterized by its original flavor derived from the walls of the tourist and archaeological museums and gates famous and historic landmarks entrenched in the foot. Was founded by Jacob Mansour Almohad year 593 of immigration , corresponding to 1198 AD

If the city form the site crossing for convoys of tourist coming from abroad , they are recorded , however, the proportion of housing are ok, go up especially in the summer, on the occasion of the festival 's annual « balance » which has become an annual appointment , preferring to have a lot of lovers frequency vast gardens Faha , where plays calm , amid greenery , timeless. Administrative city streets devoid of pedestrians in the hours following the evening , to wake up in the morning, ready to catch the offices of government ministries and departments , where time flows such as continuous heavy turtle lazy relaxed and submissive to daydream

This does not mean that the city remains deserted of people , or free movement , but that the key attribute her throughout the daylight hours , is the boom , what that is flooded with morning sun in the first moments of the morning , even turn into a real cell ripple of vitality and enthusiasm , like a young in the twenty -year-old full of love , hope and dream

Is a historic city Vintage , this is true , but it is constantly replenished , and qualify to embrace the future through new projects are in the majority character of tourism and recreational and urban , such as the creation of the two banks of the Bouregreg and directed its coast on the Atlantic Ocean from its isolation , providing structures and tourist promotion of accommodation capacity to receive guests and visitors

Do not neglect never the same , even though some of the wrinkles that invade features returns by age and neglect human

Caring to rectify some of the errors and ensure the preservation of the cultural hereditary , has recently been restored historical sites start processing fences with lights and floodlights

Before that , it was some time ago tiling the floor of Mohamed V Avenue , marble , at a cost of considerable financial , raised a lot of controversy

The purpose behind this process to give a tinge of modernization and beauty on this main artery into which all the streets , which intersect all the steps , and converge when all the faces in the cafes and shops planted on the flanks consistently. And the scene in its entirety , it seems overly luster and harmony , starting from the mosque « Year » famous , and passing through the train station , where derogatory swarms of doves near Fountains flush with water  which gives the place greenery and palm trees , familiarity and , and thus allowing photographers street to take pictures of the anniversary , for some visitors and tourists crossing the garden in front of the Parliament , and in the Mohamed V Avenue Hotel stands « Balima » as an attraction and political at the same time , they touched by a series of historical events to contemporary Morocco

I've been Hotel « Balima » shelter for a long time and a place of pilgrimage for political and media figures from inside and outside the country , too, was disparaging the backpacker for being the center of the country and its proximity to the departments

But as long as it spawned rumors of political like fungus , fell to governments , and other governments stepped misplaced ! All this in sessions on coffee mugs , cups or mint tea , the cafe terrace , opposite the Parliament

Perhaps this is the strategic location of the hotel « Balima » is what won him fame sweeper in the popular imagination of Morocco , and making it enters the contemporary history of the door wide , as a space meets the political elite and the press , cultural , agree and disagree and think aloud in discussions about topical issues and affairs and anxieties

At one stage , there was a « Sultan Balima » promotes and come on, and wanders , ruler real , dressed in his uniform authentic traditional , and , while it is , in fact , just a simple citizen taken from this appearance inspiring take pride in the power , means and source of income and fraud

Many tales to tell about the dumps and the rhythm of many people , young and old , taking advantage of the naivety of some of them and their confidence in its external profile which gives the impression that , for those who do not know him well , prestige and influence. And later disappeared « Sultan Balima » disappeared as other features touched last change , the long months and the largest street in the city , under the pretext of development

In the center of the city spread popular cafes and restaurants , which provide their patrons everything from couscous to lentils , and fish to « » with cups of tea . Among the most famous spaces in this place , space « union » , near the bus station plaza « door Sunday » , which is currently the subject of other touches of innovation , through changing tracks

This space named « union » is not a place for gatherings and trade union struggles and labor , as may come to mind , but a cafe , a popular restaurant , but the oldest , its doors are open day and night  in the face of residents and visitors alike. Long chairs , eating a varied , diverse colors of Moroccan cooking , but « » or bean soup , which is a basic element of beans , is the headline for a list of diets high-demand here . The place looks upon the effects of bygone decades , but recently began to invade the marble walls did not touch dyeing time since the era of its history, no one remembers exactly . Here in this popular restaurant is very famous , intellectuals and artists Moroccans , in time , come to him individually and collectively , after midnight , their sessions and discourses loud , about the various intellectual currents of cash on the text and intertextuality , other terms that prevailed then perished ... ! Most painters , poets and critics have passed through here , ate and drank and , and went out in last night , and they and tearing the guise of night, star-studded , laughter and guffaws , and some of them record those memories in some of the writings , making reference to the stage of live convolutions memory

And yet some still hesitate to place , between the time periods are too far apart , driven by nostalgia , or the so-called « nostalgia » , to revive kinship with the cafe was one day , the meeting place preferred, to crown the evening , they eat « Kaware » or chicken meal hot Casserole in a variety of vegetables as pallets plastic real

Only cats do not depart from the cafe , remain parties to the pots of the night and the day, the spirit and come down tables , at the feet of customers . When drowsiness , to give up his power safe and secure , not only marred by the sound of spoons over dishes , and calls waiters welcoming all the guests

This popular restaurant has the right as he said it with a day of intellectuals , to raise the slogan « eating democracy » . All social groups find it what it wants , according to the budgets of their pockets , beggars , to the staff , painters, travelers and passers-by . And Rabat , as a meeting point ancient civilization and history , is also the city of hospitality with all their properties and forms , and unique restaurants trendy scattered through various neighborhoods , providing all the dishes Eastern and Western European , in addition to eating the Moroccan exemplary in pleasure, because it satisfies all tastes . There are restaurants on the beach lying on the Atlantic Ocean , mainly specialized in cooking fresh fish contained them just from the sea

If « All roads lead to Rome » the entry to the city of Rabat, the old fenced by walls , not only through the gates of historical famous five : « door Sunday » , « door to altitude » « door Challa » , « door  door navigator

Each door leads to piles of spaces intoxicates the distant past , and interact with the present and shifts its innovation

Among those places « peduncle » , which is a world strange and bizarre , flowing movement , people and crowds , where the piling up of goods coming from all zones, and all types , both of which the original or fake , on the shelves of shops narrow accommodate barely owners, amid the rubble of goods

A popular market and trendy , at the same time , selling everything and anything , side by side in the shops nearby , as are assigned to each other : fruit, meat , vegetables and spices , perfumes , traditional clothing and old fashion trendy in the fashion world , and plastic utensils , dishes , concave , and mobile phones , computers and digital devices , and the latest developments in modern technology , and in  many of them in particular

The fans can manufactures and textiles handmade ornaments to find the desired , all that dreaming of souvenirs , the ancient city is famous for its traditional handed down from father to son , fingers of gold in the crucible of magnificence and beauty

The carpet industry ligamentous , for example , hit fame Hobo and quality , has become even serve as an ambassador for the authenticity of the Moroccan abroad

Therefore foreign tourists keen on acquired , and take her with them , Asaha warms homes in cold colors light and simplicity of their fees and decoration and . The ligament is an Arab city par excellence , has opened her arms to embrace and receive members of immigrant families from Andalusia , after the fall of Granada , they found the bulwark , shelter and sanctuary , and merged with the population in the merger complete , and became part of them , and they had a clear impact in the architecture , engineering , heritage, literature, music, singing , still borne visible yet

 Tourist attractions

* Rabat historical landmarks and tourist shrines that the visit would not be complete without it , are many and varied , there is nothing wrong here , most notably stopping at

* Hassan Tower tourists coming to the city of Rabat , the airport city of Sale , across the bridge and the Bouregreg Valley , is bound to raise his attention , at first glance , the existence of a silo Hassan Mosque , which extends the length stands tall in the highest precedence of up to forty-four meters. Built the mosque of Sultan Yacoub El Mansour Almohad , before death in 1199 , and was prepares to become one of the largest mosques in the Muslim world  and still the columns upright in the arena and decorations engraved according to the format Andalusian witness to this trend , steadfast in the face of ordinary time and natural erosion
Mausoleum of Mohammed V

* Close to Hassan mosque , stands the mausoleum of Mohammed V bright white , and green tile

The pilgrimage to daily number of tourists who stand inspired by engineering the Arab-Islamic , in an atmosphere pervaded the incense emitted from the inside , with the voice of someone who knows recite verses from the Quran , in memory of the fallen asleep inside the shrine : They are the kings Mohammed V and Hassan II and Prince Moulay Abdellah


* From a distance , look like stubble Challa parked above a high hill overlooking the river Bouregreg , fortress inhabited myths , and in time was a popular destination for those looking for « treasures of gold » , believing they were buried in the soil

Challa was born as a city in the Roman era , and turned in the tenth century AD to the barracks for the pool to face the Mujahideen tribe , according to the history books , then became a cemetery for the kings Meridinide during the thirteenth century

Hands of shadowy stillness terribly in pathways , not only broken flap wings Nightingales that chose housing in the walls of their buildings , where facilities and domes send a self memories of the glory of the ancient builders grandparents , remained a down payment on the accuracy of perfection and beauty of architecture . Above the silo Mosque Challa found stork that this is favorite place to build a nest in the highest, away from the rioting children and bustle of the city

 Stubble Ouadhias

* Is the rod Ouadhias of the most beautiful archaeological sites in Rabat , Andalusian Fayhaa , and traditional drinking Moroccan tea , and narrow dyed in blue, and decorated with plants hanging from the balconies , and its unique location of its kind over a rocky overlooks the river and the sea together : Bouregreg Valley and the beach the Atlantic Ocean , and the city of Salé Hassan also inspired

Once each year, jazz lovers meet in the annual festival 

Because of the calm that dominated , resorted to artists , politicians, artists and musicians to live in them

The Ouadhias recently in the heart of a fierce debate , following the publication of what was said in the press about the exposure of some features of the distortion at the hands of officials quickly issued a real data to raise the charge for themselves

It is the door of the sea near the rod Ouadhias continue to create works currently on the front Rabat Corniche coastal stretches for a distance of 12 kilometers in the direction of Harhoura Beach , on an area of 330 hectares

On completion of this new project named « Ambassador » the contribution of capital reserve will be enhanced infrastructure equipment tourist birth of compounds hotel with a high position and the role of cinema and units of recreational and business areas that advance the prestige tourist and cultural capital of the political , which also provides for the sports enthusiasts and vast areas as well as to practice their hobbies , both in the pool , or a game of golf , or equestrian or , or surfing, or water-skiing , all under the warm rays of the sun , in a temperate climate most of the seasons of the year

Avenue Mohamed V in Rabat

Avenue Mohamed V in Rabat , capital of Morocco , if you stood at the head of the western side of the city almost 'll see the other end topped by a mosque of the year, and if the conduit , times apart : the time of the post-colonial , and for so extends from the era stationed to the era of the Alawites ; of two cities : the city old Lace  and the modern city of Rabat , separated necessarily Avenue Hassan II

And this jumper to put of the certificate on the era in which hates us binaries PAM , popular and official , Human conservative and modern man liberal , spirit and matter , or, as he says Moroccans expression of PAM  " Municipal " and " Rumi

Street  municipal

Imposes on us puzzled choice idle , and the conflict between two , two under one roof , architecture differentiated between the two halves ; since we find ourselves about the two models : One lurks ( residents of Rabat ) in front " door Sunday " famous historical and the other fortifies within the city. The part west of the street, located in the ancient city called " Rue Algza " , was introduced to accommodate two horses loaded only , and preserves the remnants of traditional crafts , especially concerning the industry , " Quilt " ( furniture traditional Moroccan ) , and the wool trade , in addition to shops junior selling food , shops Attareen , or tailoring shops and traditional oven , bathroom , traditional , and a number of shops for the sale of modern equipment , in addition to more than four mosques, a junior , and diverge from the alleys and paths of other titles refer to the figures had an affair in the city , or markings distinguish each " Rue " ( alley ) on the other , at the corners of which lie multiple angles and the tombs of her loyal patrons and seasonality which brings parents and blessings , almost similar to the alleys and lanes in the old part of the city of Rabat , and often gets lost among strangers . Albiotat which furnished spaces of the city are subject to the architectural style of the Arab League , where the unit neighbors a cell social urban core to ensure communication and the spirit of social solidarity , as based on the heterogeneity in the building to reflect the moral dimension of the human person liable to buildings neighborhoods rise is almost constant except for the mosques , which must the above minarets . Multiple courtyards and overlap between groups and within buildings to attract people's lives to the inside

Housing is the individual is inseparable from the collective ; since respects the specifics of the neighborhood in the design , and it is evident since the first operation of the building , Building a house is in ceremony and symbolism , especially , is the first symbol of the good and the pairing of women usually as a symbol of reverence and immunization in line with the words of the Prophet peace be upon him : " four of happiness : a righteous woman , and spacious home , and a good neighbor , a comfortable mount , "narrated by Ibn Hibbaan . The process of roofing , which he calls the Moroccans to " stray " is not only to pray at the Prophet peace be upon him and feeding , Faihrs construction not meet the thresholds and openings between the neighbors , and notes that the windows are small enough to enter the sun does not allow wrap to look at houses of neighbors , also adorn that helps this purpose and open house at the sky through the roof vents

Construction and humility in the apparent aesthetic hides inside as it is the message of Islam that pay attention to substance. Construction was internal expands horizontally allotted a lonely place for guests, and separates the bedrooms of children from their parents , as well as health facilities , and narrows to be Mhoudna of the family 's, and not hang the house of decorative arts on the tiles Municipal ( mosaic ) , and marble and decoration wood

It is worth mentioning that the decorations in Islamic architecture smooths out the sweetness without the other trappings of other models , and unique project to study full- color, full feature simple in design , where the Islamic architecture over the life of the buildings and the most joy and the greatest eternity

And is characterized by the existence of these houses in Fountain , moisten the air in summer and lend aesthetic spaces on the house in addition to the margins of implants green . architecture in the old city reduced the experiences of sophisticated architectural Andalusian especially ones that pay for the garden as in the furnishing of public space along the fence whether or gardens and trees in the heart of the city

Overall architect takes into account the humanitarian meeting , besides the neighborhood as a base element Lester in construction, we find solidarity and festive dimension in the design , and we find economical in construction and the use of local materials in the construction , avoiding sources of environmental pollution and voice

While crossing the conscious witnesses architectural , construction touch and the warmth of belonging, find the fence and tank and mosques and shops Vick addresses human with time and the environment , and everything has a meaning is rooted in people's lives

Rabat night

The Street " Rumi
At the end of Rue " Algza " hand " door Sunday " surprise you high building Meddh belt of condominium -style international .. surprise you a modern city on the ruins of the ancient city , is no longer a French protectorate milestone , symbolizing the might of exit door Sunday and force them to greet civilization superior , architectural model , this time based on the absorption of migrant labor from the village to the city, modern self trend has worked to break up the family in the apartment hung between heaven and earth , the architecture was built for the purpose of investment pure , where crowded where workers and employees without having the choice of taste in the process of construction , Within the house miss replace the guests, and compensates the processing courtyard of the apartment narrow seats " Votwe " for the hospitality ordinary no more than a few hours , cup juice , a small bedroom , a kitchen and a room for the children , and swimming , are distributed in non- meaningful often

Absent in this model the purposes of meeting the human group , the Association will be resolved professional association serves as the tribe and the duty of social solidarity posed by a sense of belonging And solves the " etiquette " has replaced morals , and values ??of consumption and waste replace the economy , and the language of exotic things from the West replace the language of local names

The street after crossing to the other bank will expand a little bit for the passage of the mechanisms that will fill the space vocal , and crossing always in meeting their needs , it remains to be see the street frontage , which will bring in addition to residential buildings untapped administrative offices set government buildings, especially the institution of Parliament and the public treasury and the Bank of Morocco and the train station , architectural forms in different degrees and varying designs , in addition to the contention cafes , hotels and shops.

shackled in the framework of coordinated Geo miter ( geometric ) design is a precondition for the neighborhood system of the universe and of life , the building is used as a means of control and domination on the capabilities of the communities in which there are . The transformation of the construction of being socially to being a commodity sold or purchased , making the tag separation of design work for executive work , as separate intellectual work for manual labor , has created a layer capable of absorbing instruction building without understanding their meanings , and missed him craftsmen and missed creativity. And contented himself with materials of plastic and glass and metal in many interiors .

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Street Fal Fal Ould Oumeir the new face of tourism for mooring

Visiting the Arabs of the Moroccan capital Rabat , for the first time it is imperative that they have heard of those who preceded them  from the street Vall Ould Amir , located in the neighborhood of Agdal , a street came to be in the last years of the most famous streets of the capital , who prefers Arab tourists , roaming in and shopping of its stores , what he finds goods and restaurants and cafes copes with foul mood and Arabic , and remember the streets of Arab popular in Lebanon and Egypt . Although the street Vall Ould Amir did not reach to the level of fame Hamra Street in Beirut but the rapid development of all facilities in the street , without a doubt the promise that « Vall Ould Amir » may become months in North Africa during the next few years . In this street mixes Arabic dialects , because the majority of the residents and are Arabs, especially in summer , and the fashion Mashreq countries of all kinds see heavily in this season of the year , especially women's fashion Gulf , which has become many stores are interested in viewing , along with accessories and oriental perfumes

May not seem low prices here as they are in the Levant , but Arab tourists , by its nature , is keen to return to his country purchases chronicling the memory of his tourist , more than concern for the high cost or low price tag , this was expressed by Nur al-Din , the supervisor of the shop accessories in the same street , where he said that Arab tourists , buying goods, if found good quality and appropriate to him regardless of the price tag in Morocco or abroad the issue is linked to appetite purchase and change the atmosphere not only

Many are the names of stores that carry two titles east in the street , this « Restaurant Ahamyat » , that « cafe Baghdad » and other « Grill Riyadh» , and other Titles flavored East , in addition to the availability of the street to the names of many international restaurants famous , finds visitor each liking of Restaurants east and west, and is striking that as soon as you sit in one of these cafes , come to you waiter directly dialect of Eastern intact despite the fact that all employees are Moroccans , have grown accustomed to the faces and kept all shipments and dialects, the people of the Orient, which feels visitor comfort You may not find in other places , especially those who come to visit Morocco for the first time , where some of them are beginning to suffer from a misunderstanding with the service providers to the Moroccan dialect different from the Eastern to express a lot of meanings and not heard by the vocabulary

Abdel Aal , a young Moroccan man , worked as a waiter in a cafe Street Vall Ould Amir , a short time ago , speaking dialect Eastern fluently, said that he worked in the Gulf for several years , talk all Arabic dialects , but this bounty owner of the restaurant to work as a waiter on the other companions of the long experience

Customers said Bahrainis interviewed «Middle East » in a nearby restaurant , they were visiting Morocco for the first time , and described the atmosphere in restaurants and street cafes , as similar to the atmosphere of Cairo and Damascus

Preferably residents of Arab communities in Morocco , especially the families of diplomats , acquisitions, purchases of the same street  And not restaurants and cafes with character -east, which alone attract Arab tourists to the street Vall Ould Amir , has been known street in the recent period polarized large , the role of the fashion world , and opened along the street shops selling garments bearing the signature brands of well-known brand globally , bringing the street so destination for wealthy Morocco and visitors as well as the Arabs and foreigners , and it was customary in the past, when you see the brand global brand , and entry to the Moroccan market , that overlooks first in the streets of Rabat, the traditional such as Mohamed V Avenue and Avenue Hassan II by virtue of it's larger , wider and older , but today it wants to buy a commodity belong to a famous brand , he must go to the street Vall Ould Amir , who began promising represents modernity in the finest forms, and took to pull the rug gradually from under the streets of Rabat other , turning only to the streets of historic trying to preserve the landmarks and features that people used them several years ago

Remarkably, also , that the location of street Vall Ould Amir , who called this name after the name of a Moroccan faces unionist , is located in the heart of the capital , and is characterized by Structures beautiful and clean streets , and is calm and security , and away from the noise of the city center. Thanks to the great prosperity that defined the street , I knew other streets branching him like the streets of France, and heroes , and the Atlas , the renaissance of a banner during the past few years , as long boom luxury shops , restaurants and cafes , as if she wants to complement Accessories Street Vall Ould Amir , and emphasizes the importance became the title of a modern city of Rabat

Best cafes and restaurants Rabat ?

Curfew in the city of Rabat becomes fun if we know the places that The city is not only the administrative capital of the kingdom , but is also suitable destination for relaxation and exploration. Let's look together at
  : some of these beautiful places 

Villa Mandarin " Villa Mandarine": this has become the restaurant located neighborhood of embassies and one of the places that are essential to the visitor the city reported , the location of mediating a wonderful garden smelt in the atmosphere disadvantages odors caught the night and mascara, and candles scattered on the land guide to the road and invites you to travel fun in this Annex Hotel and Restaurant available on the swimming pool
Offers you a chef and an amazing adventure in the world of high-quality kitchen , a menu change daily according to what the market is full of it

Or cup "h Cube", in the district of Riyadh . In leadership there Pew Xavier Xavier Billot, one of the biggest chefs in Morocco . Post-modern decor , perhaps the best of its kind in this class of restaurants . Dishes opening renewed and delicious , fun to the eye by mouth. Then come back loans fish grilled on stone or hyper calf on the way Rossini Rossini, and all the thrill and fun , followed by localities that represent the good of what it concludes with a wonderful dinner
The dinner taste Regulation Coordinator of dishes and drinks alone deserves that Tmarwa place

Sormani "Sormani", a new title in Rabat Agdal , where you can taste the rich Mediterranean dishes and fresh . The decor does not quite , but do not look for aspects of the semi- famous Parisian restaurant with the same name

Danarjat "Dinarjat": hiding this restaurant in the heart of the medina in Rabat , where you allocate the owners received a wonderful place , with guides wearing clothes traditionally under candle lights . It will Taatdhuqon in Moroccan cuisine, upscale place to the tune of Mazova musicians . A very nice place to invite your guests to foreigners

Zeryab "Ziryab": the name of the famous Arab musician . Located in the heart of a traditional Moroccan Riad in the old city , where organizers are keen to welcome you to shop on the way authentic Moroccan . The restaurant is known municipal and bread and couscous dishes offered by diverse . The service
Like its predecessor Dinarjat a great place to let your guests to foreigners

Bikoloz "Picolo's", in the neighborhood of Souissi . Fresh fish per day up to the kitchen , and the types of rich and delicious from power , and above all fun eating , in the days of awakening , in the sunny patio open during the day , and dreamy night to the sound of fountains illuminated by candles . Wonderful moment of relaxation at noon or in the evening

great "Le Grand Comptoir": There is at Mohamed V Avenue in the center of the capital
Throughout the year and at any time savoring guests this shop to fine dining list of meat, fish , or hamburger huge and delicious I Ahanfez restaurant décor dating back to the thirties of the last century , making him a place rich in history , family history linked to the capital since time immemorial . The team-based management of the restaurant Vvriv nice guy reception and many antibiotics
From Wednesday to Saturday there energizing music lends a wonderful atmosphere on devoted a distinguished place for artists Moroccan young people with talent

And you will find behind Balima Restaurant La Mamma, it is one of the oldest restaurants in Rabat , and provide the pizza and meat and delicious, as was the case in the past the cup lemon iced dish is still delicious , and the preferred sweetener