Monday, February 24, 2014

Avenue Mohamed V in Rabat

Avenue Mohamed V in Rabat , capital of Morocco , if you stood at the head of the western side of the city almost 'll see the other end topped by a mosque of the year, and if the conduit , times apart : the time of the post-colonial , and for so extends from the era stationed to the era of the Alawites ; of two cities : the city old Lace  and the modern city of Rabat , separated necessarily Avenue Hassan II

And this jumper to put of the certificate on the era in which hates us binaries PAM , popular and official , Human conservative and modern man liberal , spirit and matter , or, as he says Moroccans expression of PAM  " Municipal " and " Rumi

Street  municipal

Imposes on us puzzled choice idle , and the conflict between two , two under one roof , architecture differentiated between the two halves ; since we find ourselves about the two models : One lurks ( residents of Rabat ) in front " door Sunday " famous historical and the other fortifies within the city. The part west of the street, located in the ancient city called " Rue Algza " , was introduced to accommodate two horses loaded only , and preserves the remnants of traditional crafts , especially concerning the industry , " Quilt " ( furniture traditional Moroccan ) , and the wool trade , in addition to shops junior selling food , shops Attareen , or tailoring shops and traditional oven , bathroom , traditional , and a number of shops for the sale of modern equipment , in addition to more than four mosques, a junior , and diverge from the alleys and paths of other titles refer to the figures had an affair in the city , or markings distinguish each " Rue " ( alley ) on the other , at the corners of which lie multiple angles and the tombs of her loyal patrons and seasonality which brings parents and blessings , almost similar to the alleys and lanes in the old part of the city of Rabat , and often gets lost among strangers . Albiotat which furnished spaces of the city are subject to the architectural style of the Arab League , where the unit neighbors a cell social urban core to ensure communication and the spirit of social solidarity , as based on the heterogeneity in the building to reflect the moral dimension of the human person liable to buildings neighborhoods rise is almost constant except for the mosques , which must the above minarets . Multiple courtyards and overlap between groups and within buildings to attract people's lives to the inside

Housing is the individual is inseparable from the collective ; since respects the specifics of the neighborhood in the design , and it is evident since the first operation of the building , Building a house is in ceremony and symbolism , especially , is the first symbol of the good and the pairing of women usually as a symbol of reverence and immunization in line with the words of the Prophet peace be upon him : " four of happiness : a righteous woman , and spacious home , and a good neighbor , a comfortable mount , "narrated by Ibn Hibbaan . The process of roofing , which he calls the Moroccans to " stray " is not only to pray at the Prophet peace be upon him and feeding , Faihrs construction not meet the thresholds and openings between the neighbors , and notes that the windows are small enough to enter the sun does not allow wrap to look at houses of neighbors , also adorn that helps this purpose and open house at the sky through the roof vents

Construction and humility in the apparent aesthetic hides inside as it is the message of Islam that pay attention to substance. Construction was internal expands horizontally allotted a lonely place for guests, and separates the bedrooms of children from their parents , as well as health facilities , and narrows to be Mhoudna of the family 's, and not hang the house of decorative arts on the tiles Municipal ( mosaic ) , and marble and decoration wood

It is worth mentioning that the decorations in Islamic architecture smooths out the sweetness without the other trappings of other models , and unique project to study full- color, full feature simple in design , where the Islamic architecture over the life of the buildings and the most joy and the greatest eternity

And is characterized by the existence of these houses in Fountain , moisten the air in summer and lend aesthetic spaces on the house in addition to the margins of implants green . architecture in the old city reduced the experiences of sophisticated architectural Andalusian especially ones that pay for the garden as in the furnishing of public space along the fence whether or gardens and trees in the heart of the city

Overall architect takes into account the humanitarian meeting , besides the neighborhood as a base element Lester in construction, we find solidarity and festive dimension in the design , and we find economical in construction and the use of local materials in the construction , avoiding sources of environmental pollution and voice

While crossing the conscious witnesses architectural , construction touch and the warmth of belonging, find the fence and tank and mosques and shops Vick addresses human with time and the environment , and everything has a meaning is rooted in people's lives

Rabat night

The Street " Rumi
At the end of Rue " Algza " hand " door Sunday " surprise you high building Meddh belt of condominium -style international .. surprise you a modern city on the ruins of the ancient city , is no longer a French protectorate milestone , symbolizing the might of exit door Sunday and force them to greet civilization superior , architectural model , this time based on the absorption of migrant labor from the village to the city, modern self trend has worked to break up the family in the apartment hung between heaven and earth , the architecture was built for the purpose of investment pure , where crowded where workers and employees without having the choice of taste in the process of construction , Within the house miss replace the guests, and compensates the processing courtyard of the apartment narrow seats " Votwe " for the hospitality ordinary no more than a few hours , cup juice , a small bedroom , a kitchen and a room for the children , and swimming , are distributed in non- meaningful often

Absent in this model the purposes of meeting the human group , the Association will be resolved professional association serves as the tribe and the duty of social solidarity posed by a sense of belonging And solves the " etiquette " has replaced morals , and values ??of consumption and waste replace the economy , and the language of exotic things from the West replace the language of local names

The street after crossing to the other bank will expand a little bit for the passage of the mechanisms that will fill the space vocal , and crossing always in meeting their needs , it remains to be see the street frontage , which will bring in addition to residential buildings untapped administrative offices set government buildings, especially the institution of Parliament and the public treasury and the Bank of Morocco and the train station , architectural forms in different degrees and varying designs , in addition to the contention cafes , hotels and shops.

shackled in the framework of coordinated Geo miter ( geometric ) design is a precondition for the neighborhood system of the universe and of life , the building is used as a means of control and domination on the capabilities of the communities in which there are . The transformation of the construction of being socially to being a commodity sold or purchased , making the tag separation of design work for executive work , as separate intellectual work for manual labor , has created a layer capable of absorbing instruction building without understanding their meanings , and missed him craftsmen and missed creativity. And contented himself with materials of plastic and glass and metal in many interiors .

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