Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Streets of Rabat

Avenue Mohamed V in Rabat, capital of Morocco, if you stood at the head of the western side of the city almost'll see the other end topped by a mosque of the year, and if the conduit Vstabr, times apart: the time of the post-colonial, and for so extends from the era stationed to the era of the Alawites; Vtmr of two cities: the city Old Lace, and the modern city of Rabat, separated necessarily Avenue Hassan II!

And Asafk this jumper to put Hjona of the certificate on the era in which hates us binaries PAM, popular and official, Human conservative and modern man liberal, spirit and matter, or, as he says Moroccans expression of PAM: "Municipal" and "Rumi".

Street "municipal"!

Imposes on us puzzled choice idle, and the conflict between two, two under one roof, architecture differentiated between the two halves; since we find ourselves about the two models Marafaan: One lurks Barabatian (residents of Rabat) in front "door Sunday" famous historical and the other fortifies Rabatian within the city. The part west of the street, located in the ancient city called "Rue Algza", was introduced to accommodate two horses loaded only, and preserves the remnants of traditional crafts, especially concerning the industry, "Quilt" (furniture traditional Moroccan), and the wool trade, in addition to shops junior selling food, shops Attareen, or tailoring shops and traditional oven, bathroom, traditional, and a number of shops for the sale of modern equipment, in addition to more than four mosques, a junior, and diverge from the alleys and paths of other titles refer to the figures had an affair in the city, or markings distinguish each "Rue" (alley) on the other, At the corners of which lie multiple angles and the tombs of her loyal patrons and seasonality which brings parents and blessings Moforh, almost similar to the alleys and lanes in the old part of the city of Rabat, and often gets lost among strangers. Albiotat which furnished spaces of the city are subject to the architectural style of the Arab League, where the unit neighbors a cell social urban core to ensure communication and the spirit of social solidarity, as based on the heterogeneity in the building to reflect the moral dimension of the human person liable to buildings neighborhoods rise is almost constant except for the mosques, which must The above minarets. Multiple courtyards and overlap between groups and within buildings to attract people's lives to the inside.

Housing is the individual is inseparable from the collective; since respects the specifics of the neighborhood in the design, and it is evident since the first operation of the building, Building a house is in ceremony and symbolism, especially, is the first symbol of the good and the pairing of women usually as a symbol of reverence and immunization in line with the words of the Prophet peace be upon him: " Four of happiness: a righteous woman, and spacious home, and a good neighbor, a comfortable mount, "narrated by Ibn Hibbaan. The process of roofing, which he calls the Moroccans to "stray" is not only to pray at the Prophet peace be upon him and feeding, Faihrs construction not meet the thresholds and openings between the neighbors, and notes that the windows are small enough to enter the sun does not allow wrap to look at houses of neighbors, also adorn Palmcherbaat that helps this purpose and open house at the sky through the roof vents.

Construction and humility in the apparent aesthetic hides inside as it is the message of Islam that pay attention to substance. Construction was internal expands horizontally allotted a lonely place for guests, and separates the bedrooms of children from their parents, as well as health facilities, and narrows to be Mhoudna of the family's, and not hang the house of decorative arts on the tiles Municipal (mosaic), and marble and decoration wood.

It is worth mentioning that the decorations in Islamic architecture smooths out the sweetness without the other trappings of other models, and unique project to study full-color, full feature simple in design, where the Islamic architecture over the life of the buildings and the most joy and the greatest eternity.

And is characterized by the existence of these houses in Fountain Baanha, moisten the air in summer and lend aesthetic spaces on the house in addition to the margins of implants green. Valtaraz architecture in the old city reduced the experiences of sophisticated architectural Andalusian especially ones that pay for the garden as in the furnishing of public space along the fence whether or gardens and trees in the heart of the city.

Overall Valtaraz architect takes into account the humanitarian meeting, besides the neighborhood as a base element Lester in construction, we find solidarity and festive dimension in the design, and we find economical in construction and the use of local materials in the construction, avoiding sources of environmental pollution and voice.

While crossing the conscious Mstqri witnesses architectural, construction Mqsidih touch and the warmth of belonging, find the fence and tank and mosques and shops Vick addresses human Almtmahe with time and the environment, and everything has a meaning is rooted in people's lives.

Rabat night

The Street "Rumi"

At the end of Rue "Algza" hand "door Sunday" surprise you high building Meddh belt of condominium-style international .. surprise you a modern city on the ruins of the ancient city, is no longer a French protectorate milestone, symbolizing the might of Istsgr exit door Sunday and force them to greet civilization superior, architectural model, this time based on the absorption of migrant labor from the village to the city, Valmdnah modern self trend has worked to break up the family in the apartment hung between heaven and earth, the architecture was built for the purpose of investment pure, where crowded where workers and employees without having the choice of Taste in the process of construction, Within the house miss replace the guests, and compensates the processing courtyard of the apartment narrow seats "Votwe" for the hospitality ordinary no more than a few hours, cup juice, a small bedroom, a kitchen and a room for the children, and swimming, are distributed in non-meaningful often.

Absent in this model the purposes of meeting the human group, the Association will be resolved professional association serves as the tribe and the duty of social solidarity posed by a sense of belonging. And solves the "etiquette" has replaced morals, and values ??of consumption and waste replace the economy, and the language of exotic things from the West replace the language of local names.

The street after crossing to the other bank will expand a little bit for the passage of the mechanisms that will fill the space vocal, and crossing Almstagelin

always in meeting their needs, it remains to be see the street frontage, which will bring in addition to residential buildings untapped administrative offices set government buildings, especially the institution of Parliament and the public treasury and the Bank of Morocco and the train station, architectural forms in different degrees and varying designs, in addition to the contention cafes, hotels and shops.

Valmmari shackled in the framework of coordinated Geo miter (geometric) design is a precondition for the neighborhood system of the universe and of life, the building is used as a means of control and domination on the capabilities of the communities in which there are. The transformation of the construction of being socially to being a commodity sold or purchased, making the tag separation of design work for executive work, as separate intellectual work for manual labor, has created a layer capable of absorbing instruction building without understanding their meanings, and missed him craftsmen and missed creativity. And contented himself with materials of plastic and glass and metal in many interiors.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Doors Rabat

Door Challa
In the western corner of the site rises Alenzalh residue, which was home to the pilgrims and visitors. At the bottom stands the remains of the cemetery Marinid known Balakhlup, which includes a mosque and a series of domes notably Dome Sultan Abu al-Hasan and his wife Sun morn, and the school that remains lighthouse covered with ornately geometric intertwined and integrated Zelejeha masterly-made model of the inherent architecture of Morocco in the fourth century the tenth.
In the southeast of the site ensuite bathroom Almtmizbakbbh half circular, which embraces the four halls in parallel: the first for dressing and cool the second, third and fourth warm hotter.
The Nun Basin, located in the south-west of the retreat was originally hall ablutions to the mosque of Abu Yusuf, has been woven around the popular memory myths and legends made him a shrine to a broad category of static Rabat and its environs.
Defensive Almohad built this wall by Sultan Yacoub El Mansour Almohad, with a length of 2263 m, which runs from west to the southern city of Rabat, with a width of 2.5 m and its height of 10 meters and this wall is supported by 74 towers, as punctuated 5 doors huge (door to altitude, the door limit, Alruah door, and the door Zair).

Door Alruah

Andalusian fence was constructed at the time of the party Almorckyin Tombs, located approximately 21 m south door limit, to extend eastward to the Tower of Sidi Makhlouf, which runs the length of 2400 m. Was demolished part of the wall of 110 m, including the door of hay, which is Part III of this wall with a door to door and Boibh Challa. It is similar to the wall Almohad supported by several towers almost rectangular, and numbering 26 towers, and the distance between each tower 35 meters.
Ouadhias Kasbah was Ouadhias originally a fortress, was built by the tribes to fight stationed Barghoatih, grown in importance in the era of uniform, who made them bond on the estuary of the Bouregreg Valley, and called it Mahdia. Unitarian become obsolete after that settled Almaurickjon who came from Andalusia, they reopened the life Ptdeimha fortified walls.

In the era known as the Alawites Kasbah Ouadhias several changes and reforms between years (1757-1789), as well as between years (1790 and 1792). This site has been known history of diverse and distinct, reflected especially in buildings that make up the Kasbah Ouadhias. Fssorha Almohad door and archaeological (big door) are considered symbols of Almohad architecture. In addition to the mosque known as the old mosque, while establishments in the upper Vttgly fences Rashidiya, and Amiri Palace, which is located in the west as well as the military Mncitha tower scaffolding.

 Kasbah Oudaia

Hassan Mosque is one of the distinctive historic buildings located in Rabat appointed by the visitor, was built by the Almohad Sultan Yacoub El Mansour, was considered one of the largest mosques in his reign. But this ambitious project stopped after his death in 1199, as was the extinction due to the earthquake that hit the year 1755. And experiencing its effects on the magnitude of the original building of the mosque, which reach a length of 180 m long and 140 meters, as evidenced by the silo, which is one of the three sisters of the Koutoubia minaret in Marrakech, and the Giralda in Seville on the existence of the mosque and bulkiness. Is a square-shaped stand tall as 44 meters up height, and her early internal warped, leading to higher silo and passes on six rooms form layers. The decorated their windows four different motifs and inscriptions carved in stone and that the Moroccan Andalusian-style of the twelfth century.

Hassan Mosque
City walls ligament Open

Proceeded Almohad caliph Abu Yaqub Yusuf in building the city wall ligament Open after charted and draw its walls, but the death completed the dialogue to build his son Caliph Abu Yusuf Yaqub al-Mansur to completing its walls, and extends the city wall of Rabat on flat ground with a length of 5263 m almost reached us today about 5189 m, and a thickness of two meters and sometimes half a meter and a height of up to ten meters.
This was the wall that protects the city of Ribat al-Fath of western and southern sides only while the West Highland Valley and the Pacific Bouregrag of Western bodies protect them from other parties.

The western sector of the wall of the tower path and extends toward the south-east and then veers towards the north until it reaches the valley close to the castle Challa, so separated by a fence Andalusian extending from the door to reduce or Sunday to the tower, Mr. Makhlouf overlooking the valley, and this fence caused Andalusians after migration From Andalusia to Rabat at the beginning of the fifth century AH (atheist century AD).
The Rabat city hospitable Out Andalusians who have taken refuge after being expelled from Spain and settled in on the waves of successive centuries XIII and XIV, came the first of these waves in 1239 AD and it includes immigrants from Valencia and throughout the Andalusian other and within the last wave, arrived thousands of Moors, who were expelled by decision of the King Philip III in 1609 and settled in the stubble Ouadhias and built the current city, but still retain Pfnnounam and crafts as high, but still a nickname some families today witness to the origin of the Andalusian like, laxative and Tridanu and Balamino, Peru and Vinjer and Burgos and Balavrig and others. City museums!!

The Rabat cultural capital, which is also a city of museums, Vtv Ouadhias primarily in the building dates back to the seventh century has been restored now, displays artifacts of different ceramic ornaments, jewelry, clothing and traditional embroideries, carpets, astrolabes and some manuscripts from the era of uniform, either on the shore of the river is located Folk Art Museum vs. complex traditional industries, where it can be hoped craftsmen during their work, and the Museum is the ancient monuments in the modern city, and offers visitors samples of pieces that date back to the era before Altaarich, and the other to the Islamic era mediator city has a number of schools specializing in the formation of high-level executives, "Muhammadiyah school Engineers "and" Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine "and Mohammed V University.

Okdal area and there are salons contain a Moroccan baths and massage salon is the best known and Alsetesy Begin, and the Souissi, peduncle, Mohamed V Avenue. Valley BOUREGREG, the new marina Challa Gardens and Park Kasbah Wadia and her presence at sunset very enjoyable, and a tour on the road to the old Casa Skhirat Muhammadiyah fun and there is an excellent fish restaurant meal (40) and then return to the AED ligament.

Beach Herorh and BOUZNIKA, and Kenitra, Castle Wadia. And Rabat Corniche overlooking the New River Bouregreg Bridge starts from the city of Sale to the end of the cliff Oudaia.
And there are restaurants for dishes and Moroccan Navy.


Hassan Hadi neighborhood is beautiful and the apartments do good and there are many furnished apartments Avenue Mohammed V and five-star hotels such as Hotel and other Balima and former Ambassador Hotel Golden Street and France neighborhoods excellent for furnished apartments.
Car rental

Townhouse Centre, Prince Street, Avenue Mohamed V.

Shameyat cafe and coffee yellow, cafe Sakra.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Rabat Green City

In order to support its position as a green city , operates the city of Rabat ,
The valuation and the creation of urban green fields and those outside the orbit Urban .

And look Rabat , which are available on about 260 hectares of urban green spaces ,
And those located outside the orbit of urban green belt and covers 1063 hectares ,
Lucky dramatically compared with the majority of the cities of the kingdom, which ,
Because of the lack packaged in the field of environmental policy .

Today is exposed to the effects of rapid urbanization movement .

Rabat green city by more than the rate of the World Health Organization
And proudly , says Mr. Abdelfattah Little General Secretary of the municipal council of the city ,
That if the rate of green spaces per capita , according to the World Health Organization scale ,
Is 10 square meters per capita , this exceeds the average in the city of Rabat 20 square meters per capita.

In the context of valuing natural qualifications for the city , engaged the interests of the state and the municipal council for mooring
In the process of decorating and humanized urban area , through reformatting and doubling the number of green spaces .
In this context, it has been the creation and re- create many of the gardens and parks , green
Where he became a citizen can , either individually or together with his family , take a break , and views of the natural Altmla
Scenery and enjoy the crystal clear water fountains or see the children as they play in security and safety .

To maintain the balance between the housing development and the creation and protection of green spaces ,
Is a necessity if we are to maintain the integrity of the lung of the city, and maintenance of natural diversity
And combating global warming and reducing pollution and providing safe and healthy environment for static ensure safe living .
In addition to being as a green lung for the inhabitants of the domain of urban green spaces constitute
Also a strong foundation for the natural diversity , especially in the field of combating global warming and reducing pollution and protecting the environment .

Mayor announced that the Moroccan capital Rabat will be eligible to become the capital of the ecology and the environment and the city has become a leader in environmental protection.
Rabat : embracing the Moroccan capital , the end of next month , the demonstration celebration which will be held on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of Earth Day , which will equip the ligament to become the capital of the ecology and the environment , as announced by the city's mayor , Fathallah Oualalou , former Minister of Finance and Deputy Secretary General of the Socialist Union of Popular Forces participating in the government .
The description and altitude , which was refreshing on Thursday , in a press Press Club in Washington , the city where he was born and the same for years in Parliament , she has become a leader in terms of Morocco , in the protection of the environment , surrounded by gardens and green spaces , making him , proud of saying that the face the current capital of Morocco , represents an extension of the near and distant past , highlighting the history and culture are rooted in the present , built by the Unitarians .
And the number of the Mayor of Rabat , ongoing projects , which will add to the city's character aesthetically pleasing and its phase ( projects ) of sources of pollution , such as the network tramway , which will ease to a great extent from the congestion of traffic and movement around the city , also pointed to the workshops create the banks of the River Bouregreg which separates Rabat Salé from its neighbor , which aims to protect the ecological character of the river , its banks and the integration within the fabric of business and commerce , as well as workshops wastewater collection system in drainage channels , to be filtered .
The working of the administrative departments of the City Council , which includes the municipalities of biology major , to take care of a total of 230 hectares of green space , in addition to the clean beaches programs supervised by the Mohammed VI Foundation for the Environment , chaired by the sister of the King of Morocco .
Recall that has been a documentary , during the meeting, which was attended by the mayor to Rabat , Ms. Zulekha Nasri , the Moroccan monarch and advisor Abdul Karim Zahoud , minister in charge of water , and the governor of the capital, Hassan Amrani and Morocco's ambassador in the United States
It is the American side , it was noted the presence of the Rev. Jesse Jackson , and Lisa Jackson , the acting U.S. Agency for Environmental Protection

Friday, March 7, 2014

Tramway Project Rabat

Counting project tramway link between the cities of Rabat and Sale of appropriate solutions to the problem
Special urban transport these two supervised by His Majesty King Mohammed VI , on the launch of a linear Tramway Rabat - Salé , and arch Hassan II on Wednesday, May 18 , 2011. This project is of priority projects in the framework of a project to create and develop both banks of the Bouregreg , on the grounds that it purports to facilitate traffic movement and facilitate the linkage between Alttin through the adoption of means of transport and communication that respects the environment and ensure safety requirements and attendance at work. It was the completion of the total components of this project , into the place, by the help of Moroccan Contracting offices and laboratories for studies of the control . The current network consists of two lines of the tram up to the total Toulhma 5.19 km , and 31 bilingual station . The network covers the most important urban poles where a high density in terms of population and movement ( Sunday, two cities where responds to the growing demand for transportation and provides a real alternative to the use Alsearatia university , hospitals , departments , centers the two cities , the most important road and rail stations ) .

And the total number of vehicles that will be employed in the network Tramway Rabat - Salé , which have been designed according to international standards 0.44 wagon , up the length of each of them to 32 yards . The vehicles are available on the air conditioning and all Alologiat for people with special needs.

He was given the start of this project works of His Majesty King Mohammed VI on 23 December 2007 and oversaw the completion agency to create the two banks of the Bouregreg in partnership with local groups to Rabat and Salé .

Starting from the month of January 2009 , the company became the Rabat-Salé tram , which includes among its shareholders the two groups Rabat and Sale oversees the progress of the works.

Its part in who proceeded to exploit it through this year , is expected to at least about 180 thousand passengers between Rabat and Sale every day through two main aspects :

Line structured to combine the urban neighborhood of gracious Salé to Agdal neighborhood of Rabat at a distance of 7.11 km , and includes this line poles major cities .

Residents of neighborhoods special line high population density , such as Jacob Mansour neighborhood in Rabat and Salé lining at a distance of 7.8 km.

In terms of both cultural considered Rabat cultural capital , which is also the city of museums , Vtv Ouadhias place in a building dating to the seventh century has been restored now , displays artifacts of different ceramic ornaments , jewelry, clothing and traditional embroideries , carpets, astrolabes and some manuscripts from the era of uniform, either on the shore of the river is located Museum folk art versus complex traditional industries , where it can be hoped craftsmen during their work , and the Museum is the ancient monuments in the modern city , and offers visitors samples of pieces that date back to the prehistoric era , and the other to the Islamic era mediator city has a number of schools concerned in the formation of high-level executives " Mohammadia School of Engineers " and " Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine " and the Mohammed V University . There is a larger theater in Rabat , Morocco, which is the Mohammed V Theatre . As well as several halls formal Alchkjellh shows , including House Arts and Alruah hall door . In the independent sector , the apartment is 22 L'appartement 22 of the most prominent art Alvdaat offers Moroccan and international artists .

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The project is to create two banks of the Bouregreg

Project is the creation of the two sides of the Bouregreg of major development projects , which will add a tinge of modernity , creativity and excellence in the image of Rabat and Sale highlights historical specificities , heritage and urban administrative capital of the kingdom .

It is expected after the completion of this ambitious project , geometric design as a refined , Rabat to become a global model for economic and tourism boom and give aesthetic adds to its history and heritage and culture asset rich.

The project seeks to create two banks of Bouregreg , to the development of the region , and that the rehabilitation of the existing historical monuments along the valley and linking these parameters to each other by an organized network of roads and exploratory tract . It also envisages the project, which was devoted to the completion of its structure infrastructure amount of ten billion dirhams funded by the Hassan II Fund for socio-economic development and the Directorate-General for local communities , combining the skill of urban design and architecture and feature historical foundations that underpin the site in order to create a modern fit with the intrinsic properties of the site and the development of design City to open their buildings are in focus on interfaces and surfaces open to the sky .

The Director General of the Agency for the creation of the two banks of the Bouregreg Mr. polisher Mghari , in an interview with Agence Maghreb Arabe Presse , the project configuration will have a positive impact on the local development of the ligament and Sale  and the achievement of urban renaissance and economic growth through the construction and exploitation of the equipment and infrastructure for the region through the creation of jobs , and stimulate the construction -related industries , processing and financial sectors
Bab Al Bahr
House Arts within the project Bab Al Bahr

There is just ten minutes from Rabat-Sale airport , exactly in Sale and this project is a huge task , aspires to transform the Bouregreg estuary to the pole tourist and urban real and thus improve the urban group of Rabat and Salé to the rank of major capitals of the Mediterranean Sea . And is located " Bab Al Bahr " between the mouth of the river Bouregreg and arch Moulay Hassan and extends over an area of ??almost seventy hectares , of which thirty real estate space ; includes project as " Bab Al Bahr " program cover a diverse real estate investment is estimated Besbamaip and fifty million dollars . The project will house a variety show includes residential units and hotel high quality , many businesses and a business center that includes offices and professionals services sector . As Sind urban heart of this pole to the rhythm of shops, museums and art galleries which increases its diversity.
Arch Moulay Hassan

a big bridge is available on the three corridors , and of Tramways , which will link Rabat and Salé and other special lanes and bicycle
Moulay Hassan bridge at night

It also works to facilitate the traffic of ships to marinas that will be set in the framework of the " waves " , as well as facilitate the movement of river traffic through the valley Bouregreg project is the arch of the projects that fall under the first part of the project great for creating and developing the two banks of the Bouregreg , which is known as " the door of the sea " extends to about seventy hectares .
Tunnel Ouadhias

Is a project under the scheme enters in creating banks of the River Bouregreg , will enable to overcome the problem of traffic flows by way of the marina , which is now known as traffic intensive up in the top rate to 30 thousand cars a day, including the 3500 heavyweight . And will extend this project , which connects the " door of the sea " and club sports along the 1022 meters . The aim of this project , in particular , to reconnect the historic old city and Ouadhias , will also help to preserve the historic site and give him the biggest tourist value , as well as making traffic more liquid . The cost of building and equipping the tunnel about 491 million dirham , is expected to be launched by the traffic during the first six months of 2010 .

Monday, March 3, 2014

Cinema Halls just ruins in Rabat

In time past, there was a small number of cinemas in Sale, adjacent to the ligament , which is an extension of the Moroccan capital . In spite of the lack of theaters , they knew very popular , especially those that were exposed Indian films and movies karate , it's totally different now . They have become cinema halls without pioneers , most of which is now deserted , forcing the owners to shut it down , and some have turned into mere ruins , after they had been in demand is unrivaled , but not delivered until some of the role of modern cinema also like that exist in the complex « Aldaoleezz » from the curse bankruptcy .

According to statistics « Moroccan Cinematographic Centre » ( a government body tasked with supporting the film ) decreases terrible in the number of cinema halls , where the decline in the number of 250 Hall in 1980 in the Moroccan cities , to 72 Hall now , and this number is expected to drop down, but the halls to ensure that the terms of Gap cinematic comfortable and enjoyable not to exceed 30 Hall , as the number of patrons . The same statistics indicate that 13 million spectators Cinema card purchased in 2000 , while the figure dropped now to a million and a half million card only . But the irony , that with the decline in the number of rooms , the number of Moroccan films is growing , reaching to 14 long films , 50 short films annually . It is feared some of the filmmakers of not finding room cinematic future to show their films , and this is what happened at the International Film Festival of Women in Sale , where did not find
find the supervisors of the festival hall cinematic valid to embrace its activities , and replaced last year creates a cinema complex in the neighborhood of « decent » popular , and specifications reasonable .
Due Rashid Al Alawi, a young man of Sale, the reasons for the closure of cinemas to « large number of satellite channels , private channels specializing in cinema , offering the latest movies , and therefore allows spectators chances extensive selection , then there is a working movie piracy , and sold CDs in the same time they are shown in the cinema , and has a major impact on the demand for cinema » .

Rashid believes that the acquisition of the film for less than the price of a movie ticket , and watch a movie more than a short period , better than the Hall mobility cinematic classic , available on the 800 -seat , not only suffered one film over the weeks » . He adds « Do not forget another factor at least influence , the changing pattern of life , as the person if he wanted to go to the cinema , it needs to determine the right time , and it is often at the end of the week , as the need for means of transport , so many prefer the acquisition of another pirated movies , and watch them at home with friends and family in a relaxed atmosphere , and at the lowest of prices » .

The view of the top that the aversion of cinema halls dark due to the non-proliferation of adequate publicity for the product Film Moroccan and foreign , both in the written press or media audio and video , so there is no definition movies popular in the halls of Moroccan cinema , or conduct interviews or meetings with the directors , for the dissemination of culture film among the youth » and goes on to say : « We are overfed in raising artistic taste and aesthetic with our children , because of the failure to regulate visits to museums and art galleries , to this we see today Andthara years in the number of movie lovers , such as programming films for children on holidays » .

For his part , said Mohammed Lahlou , a contractor working in the field of real estate , that the closure of cinemas to see a number of factors , most important of which , in his view , in addition to the sorry state of facilities , lack of security in some cinemas , especially at night . And stands for sweet when another reason has a significant impact on the decline in the number of cinema halls , a meteoric rise to real estate prices , so « snatch speculators , builders a chance of financial distress , incurred by the organizers of some cinemas , forcing them to get rid of the losses of material are selling, especially as they are found in sites important in cities with high population density , and this is what raises it in the real estate market , and commends its place in residential buildings or offices , have greater financial returns » .

And linked to other views of this retreat situation dire for the halls of cinema , and turn it into something like « dens » for perverts , could claim an aversion audience halls , for several reasons , including a lack of harmony films produced or imported with the changes witnessed by the Moroccan society , and continued to deal with the phenomenon of piracy with some leniency , with the non-application of the law in cases of violation of intellectual property rights of cinematographic works continuously, as well as what he called the absence of some « serious strategy for the advancement of Moroccan cinema » , especially with regard to the qualitative aspect of film production , and lack of care film theaters 

In recent years happened kind of reconciliation with cinemas , where the recovered complexes film like « Aldaoleezz » in Sale , and « Megarama » in Casablanca , and has become the alternative to the theaters classic room only , and a single movie , because the composite film displays in the halls of a small a variety of films , responds to all artistic tastes , as well aas the facilities available to provide services for eating , entertainment and recreation , and it becomes fun going to the cinema , where the dimensions of the fall and enjoy the beautiful  .

Friday, February 28, 2014

Eco-tourism, religious and historical, recreational and family

Eco-tourism means sense the public out of the routine of daily work whatever to rest and relaxation and enjoy may be in its simplest trip to the mainland or frequenting the desert to enjoy the beauty and nature, including the life of a fungal flora and fauna and to exercise all the usual activities where or for tourism in coastal cities and archeological sites or areas mountain to the beauty of nature and the cooler its climate and mild climate, tourism may be the sea for a picnic and enjoy fishing and to detect what in the depths of the sea creatures and unique coral reefs and rare stones are rarely found in other seas. There are elements in our Arab countries stemming from the social environment of the areas that can be exploited tourist, Calfnon popular and traditional
costumes and traditional camel racing boats and marine and marriage traditions, handicrafts, monuments, castles and forts. The optimal exploitation of tourism to these natural ingredients that are available in various environmental and Arab countries have a big impact on the economy of these countries and thus on the Arab economy as a whole. There are Arab countries in several types of tourism can be exploited and utilized and directly linked to the environment, whether adherent nature or cultural heritage, namely: - Tourism and Natural Reserves called innate tourism. - Green tourism in the plains and mountain terraces. - Tourism hunting
 wild animals, birds and fish. And replete with the Kingdom of Morocco naturally stunning, ranging from the beaches freely on the ocean and the high mountains and desert filled Bamoriaat for eco-tourism has forged Morocco reserves and established forests and provided elements of fishing and diving in Morocco shores of a natural feature Bnqaْha and her virginity (in terms of the exploitation of tourism) The Coast Rural always a source of living for many families region, so that fishing is a tradition that is widespread in the ranks of the rural population more than other regions. The visitor is not able to leave for Morocco without falling in passion, so did the writers, poets and artists, Troyha reach it, Fajtaroha residence .. and coolness and peace. In Morocco
 mingle magic atmosphere instinctual games conjuring tricks Alemrakachih and fragrant civilizations uniform, stationed and Idrisids who break one in every spot of the country lying between the Atlantic and Almtose blending Arab Balawrbeh and African as well, and that gave the Tariq ibn Ziyad his back to the sea and then stormed. Title of that country, which fused the different cultures, and have formed the privacy of amazing proportions Arab Maghreb Berber and Andalusian Mediterranean or global Aaketbh history alone, but also present written. It is north of Morocco to south distance of 3500 km Ttrassa map Moroccan treasures of historic cities honored that tells civilizations Zahira Karabat which was founded stationed in the middle of the twelfth century, has built a Abdelmoumen "Ribat al-Fath," which is the nucleus of a fortified town included in addition to the castle, a

mosque and Dara succession, and is a grandson of Jacob Mansour, the real founder of the city of Rabat. Mosque Hassan, who is the strongest outstanding achievements of art Almohad at the height of its prosperity, and must also raise the profile of the ruins of the mosque Hassan huge stretches over an area of ??two hectares and a half, has remained the mosque without being fully accomplished, and the minaret famous there is still a living witness to the biggest urban project done by Unitarians. The Rabat cultural capital, which is also a city of museums, Vtv Ouadhias primarily in the building dates back to the seventeenth century and was recently restored, displays artifacts of different ceramic ornaments, jewelry, clothing and traditional embroideries, carpets, astrolabes and some manuscripts from the era of uniform, either on the shore of the river is located Folk Art

Museum versus complex traditional industries, where it can be hoped craftsmen during their work. ancient city that is the door "Alruah" the most beautiful doors of the five that allow access to the ligament when you visit the Archaeological Museum is surprising strong against this surprise, Morocco tells the long history of this museum, and since prehistoric civilizations and through the pre-Romania and Romania, to the depths of the Islamic period. And stubble for Udayh which was the headquarters of many of the events, the headquarters of the tribe Ouadhias mandated by Moulay Ismail in the defense of the city against the pirates, the headquarters of the Jacob Mansour and Abdul Momin Almohad mosque which was built by the "antique" about the year 1150 and is the oldest mosque in Rabat. The city of Marrakech, which was built years 1071-1072 and was the capital of the state, then the state Almoravid Almohad. The city includes antique enormous number of historical monuments: the walls and doors, Kutubiya and minaret which amounts to 77 meters of altitude, Saadian tombs, as well as traditional houses of old. And Jemaa El Fna, which is a symbol of the city, proud of vitality and attractiveness of each of the over which travelers. Fna Square is

the heart of Marrakech, where they found the city center pilgrimage to residents and visitors, and they use a place for meetings. And where there are the narrators of folk tales, and acrobats, musicians, dancers, models, and animals and Achmat and henna. And Casablanca, which proved statements archeological about the existence of the remains of man dating back to about 700 000 a year as the site «quarries Thoma» in the south and the site of Sidi Abdul Rahman where I discovered a series of caves containing stone tools and the remains of human and animal. Ancient city which was about a group of fences surround the city Casablanca ancient remains not only a part of which restricts the coast kilometer city center. Demolish part of the
year following the earthquake in 1755. Muslim old city, located along the beach, with the most ancient monuments in the city. Alguenaslh neighborhood, which was located by foreign powers, the center of the city, known as a massive influx of Europeans in the nineteenth century as a result of the popularity of the commercial boom in the city, was built by the Franciscan Church Bznqh Tangier in 1891. The Hassan II Mosque, which is the right of a religious teacher and unique architecture, built above the water; dazzle the beholder built towering and precisely engineered, who excelled in the accomplished elite engineers and innovators in the various occupations of modern and traditional crafts authentic Moroccan mosque houses. Has major facilities, Kmiznth which has a height 210 meters, making it the highest minaret in the world, and constructed in accordance with the traditions of Arab-Andalusian, features marble which capped, and the

lighthouse, which topped, and draws attention to the night beam laser directed from its peak towards the Kaaba to indicate the direction of the kiss Muslims, range up to 30 km, has been equipped with the minaret of the inside lift fast capacity for 12 people can have access to the summit in less than a minute. classified as Koranic school religious within the Arab heritage authentic, was built in the form of a semi-circular, in the direction of direction, covers an area of ??4840 square meters and is available on two floors and the level of the underground. There is the center of the prayer hall of the mosque, they are part of the most exciting and fascinating traditional Bhendsthe, where they are equipped to receive 25,000 worshipers. Constructed in the form of a rectangular
length of up to 200 meters and a width of up to 100 meters, consisting of three dishes direction perpendicular to the wall, an area of ??20,000 square meters. Vmsadjad Hassan II of the few religious monuments that can be visited seven days a week, except on Fridays, and is defined milestones mosque, in addition to Arabic, in three languages: French, English and Spanish. The Moroccan cities listed world heritage, they are: the city of Fez, which was built in the ninth century, a scientific capital, and the capital of ancient traditions, has taken the largest number of successive kings who ruled Morocco as their capital. It is a pearl

of the Arab world, a city of multiple sensations. In Fez is no limit to the spiritual and the sensual pleasure, Fbhae palaces, museums and luxury of living makes the city of Fez, a rare, and to accelerate change in multiple rounds. It consists of Fez old two «enemies», in the year 818 AH settled on the right bank of the Wadi Fez hundreds of Muslim families displaced from Andalusia and stalking by the crusader armies, and was named Bteke

Andalusia, and seven years later, replaced 300 families Qervanih on the other side, called Bteke Kairouan. The villagers built a mosque institute of science by the University of Oxford and the Sorbonne, and remains to this day one of the main centers of cultural radiation Maghreb. Library contains 30 thousand volumes, and by the Koran dating back to the ninth century AD, this mosque was built 857 years AD was expanded year 1317 AD. Gateway to Morocco and Tangier, located at the crossroads between Europe and Africa, Forum Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea is described as a dove on the shoulder of Africa. Founded "Tnges" in the fourth century BC, which fought the Carthaginians, Romans, Vandals and the Phoenicians and the Spanish and Portuguese and the British. Here is a big market, overseen by the lighthouse decorated with multicolored mosaics mosque sir pooped, and there stored Palace House, built in the 17th century AD, Bakbabh marble decor and decorated with mosaics which today is home to

the Museum of Moroccan Arts antique and modern. And to the northwest, just twelve kilometers from Tangier, hugs the Atlantic Ocean Mediterranean Almtose where the waves of the sea continues to dig a cave diggers Hercules and from there look for the effects of Romania bathrooms. Meknes and constructed in the tenth century by atheist stationed as a military institution. After it became the capital of the country during the reign of Moulay Ismail (1672-1727) founder of the upper, the city has made it a distinct character Spanish - Moreschi surrounded by high walls punctuated by great doors represent a harmonious blend combines the features of Islamic architecture and European

architecture in the Maghreb during the seventh century ten. And Tetouan, which adheres to the countryside, a city dotted with greenery and white where the two cultures converge Moroccan, Andalusian, a stronghold of fascinating museums and various cultural institutions, is the smallest of Tetouan old antique Moroccan cities and completed. Essaouira is a unique model for the cities of the seventeenth century fortified old city and constructed in accordance with the principles of European military engineering that era. Since its inception and is considered an international trading port linking Morocco and the Sahara to

Europe. Larache and the location of the famous "Lexus". Hercules is said that picking the golden apple, this was accomplished atheist century. Effects are most manifestation are the temple and theater, castle and bathrooms. And authentic small town along the West Atlantic, which is just forty kilometers from Tangier, like in a nap behind their doors blue, green and yellow, it has successively by several foreign countries. Were "authentic" Roman, Spanish and Portuguese offers today castles and silos Excursions quiet on the side of the sea, and the restaurants are known Basmkha fried. And Morocco plans in the approved 2010 to attract 10 million

tourists, is known for this country, the Arab-African diversity of natural, which gives the traveler him a chance for recreation and tourism in more than one space, as it is located on the facets cruises of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean, and is available on the mountain views Khalabhosahary oases and spas. Everything that exists in Morocco, which satisfies all the natural diversity of tastes, and he finds a tourist wandering along the limbs of the far north to the far south. Morocco has potential in tourism were comparable, the oldest in the country. Valdar white or «Casablanca» whole tourist city its own advantages and

exploits attracted the attention of residents and tourists alike. And is available as mentioned above to the largest mosque in the Islamic world after the Two Holy Mosques, and in the center of the city find a fountain emit music melodious and flowing them water interspersed with colorful lights gone viewers, as is the "eye Thiyabi" the first tourist area in Casablanca as it stretches along the coast , a series of pools, hotels and cafes, upscale, east and west. And Muhammadiyah, which lies north of Casablanca, 30 km, has the sailing club, and a golf course, in addition to the beautiful coast, and luxury hotels, and quiet streets. And new, which lies south of Casablanca, 100 km, is famous for its wide beaches, and historical credited, located on the Phoenician port was named "Rubiss" The Casbah is the most beautiful old certificate to the city colonized by the Portuguese old Bosoarha

and its port and water reservoirs. DONE "Mazagan" as it was called Portugal in 1769 at the hands of Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, then called the new, and this is due to new buildings constructed outside the city walls. And Tangier, which lies on the edge of a very beautiful overlooking the Strait of Gibraltar beachfront Spaniard between the Mediterranean Sea and the

Atlantic Ocean, is famous for its beautiful scenery and faces moderate mosques brightly, and Bamaradtha modern, and its hotels diverse and enticing tourists in this city, too, high-end restaurants that offer delicious food of Morocco and the European . This city is not devoid of historical swab, which is characterized by other ancient buildings and towers great. And if you want Dear tourists enjoy magnificent view of the Strait of Gibraltar, you'll need to visit a residential neighborhood en route decorated with pine trees of green, is located on Mount oversees the entire city.

Proceeding from Tangier made available to the tourists the opportunity to visit neighboring cities and enjoy nature Kttoan Andalusian known for its beaches and quiet, and the cities of Thoroughbred and Almtlten Larache on the Atlantic Ocean. And roam between the cities of Tangier, Meknes through the Rif Mountains allows the identification of the city of Al Hoceima famous coastal sport diving and skiing. Tetouan and white dove on a plateau that stretches descend from Mount Bunting with high peaks reflected by the sun to warm easy «Valley martial» amid a

mixture of pine trees, almonds and oranges. As the city of Tetuan has become in recent years of the most famous aspects Asttiyafah Morocco. Pole, making it a major tourist attraction as the beaches of the Mediterranean witnessing the creation of several achievements of urban and tourism projects which contribute to a major Arab capital and premium Fair. The city of Agadir along the Atlantic endowed by God, the Almighty beauty distinguishes it from the rest of the cities of the world, it extends across the coastal strip between the arms of the Atlas Mountains. Mild climate and the kindness of its climate, makes it especially perfect place to spend holidays and vacations. Availability of this city for a tourist since arriving to family and received excellent service, also has hosted his place during a period of genuine. The bride south springboard for several tours to the desert areas. Horseback riding and like all hobbies available in the Kingdom of

Morocco, enthusiasts can practice riding in this hobby clubs allocated to them in various parts of the country and in all seasons and various conditions. There are clubs for riding deployed in most cities and tourist villages. The fans can catch tourists practice this hobby on the shores of the sea if they want and on the banks of the rivers in the plains if they wanted to, and at the tops of the mountains if they loved, and in water depths of many types of fish attracts scuba diving enthusiasts. For skiing, there is a big atlas, and Aokimdan center that contains the latest sports equipment in skating and amateur transfer from the base to the top of the mountain snow peaks. Adding to this place comfortable and enjoyable existence Hotels and Restaurants of high caliber. The Atlas Almtosemrkz Mchelven that there is 18 kilometers from the oven and contains all the necessary equipment for skiing in addition to the presence of hotels and restaurants beautiful